The Handshake By Xander Kissinger This is a true story of love, emotions ,and strength of character you will read things that will shock you, shock you to the point of disbelief, you will put yourself in the thought process of thinking and wondering why such things happen in this world. You will draw breath from the fact that what you read today, will, or might ,make you look at things so differently that you change the way that you look at the world, but more importantly how you see the signs, and how you make sure that such things will not happen to my own children. I write this not with a heavy heart or malice towards loved ones,or even to the persercuters who tried to destroy my loving energy that I did not know I had at such a young age. I write this to let the world know that you are not alone in the world and there are people from far and wide across the globe who understand what you are going through. Even though you may shed a tear or cry even feel sadness at some point please don't feel sorry for me as I have overcome many hurdles to get to this point in my #life and in my early 40's #life is only going to get better. The names have changed for obvious purposes but everything else that you will read is fact.