Not What It Seems There was something about that night that she couldn't figure out, the way in which Damien observed the surroundings before doing anything was the thing that confused her the most. The carpet was a hand- woven Turkish reproduction, the furniture upholstered in creamy white mohair, the glassware real glass. It was the best money could buy and Genevis was beginning to hate it - she'd had this feeling before and never had it ended well. She looked up. Brown eyes smiled. It was a flirtatious gesture and Genevis smiled back at him, but underneath the friendliness was something predatory. His smile broadened, showing a hint of his long, sharp incisors. He got up - she saw him bending over her, taking her mouth in a brutal kiss, mastering her with his powerful body, his hands all over her, delving between her legs. The fantasy brought another throb of yearning as she felt his warm and heavy breathing in her ear. She reached to unzip his trousers whilst he pushed her shorts down to her knees, sliding them over her boots and stepping out of them. Genevis paused for a moment, her eyes taking in the beauty that Damien possessed - built body, well tanned and abs hard as the penis she felt digging into her side. She grabbed the back of his neck, drawing him in for a deep passionate kiss that Damien returned, pulling her in with his hands on her slender hips. Genevis groaned as Damien lifted her onto the counter. His kiss was still hard and passionate but her touch was tender as she spread her lover's legs. Before she could do anything else she found herself being thrown violently onto her back as she felt his fingers sliding into her. She felt her breathing get heavy and a rush of excitement paralysed her body; she let out a gasp to let him know she was not content, she needed more. Almost as if he was telepathic, he withdrew his fingers and she felt something much bigger fill her. He grabbed her shoulders and she screamed as she felt the brutal thrusts that sent shocks all down her spine - he leaned in for a kiss and she was filled with antagonising pleasure as his tongue explored her mouth. She was woken by the wetness that encompassed her bed sheets - somewhere inside her she longed for what she had dreamed to become reality.
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