NINA- Chapter 2
A helicopter glided down minutes later where the criminal had landed unconscious. Nina managed to climb onto the roof of the building, aware of the spikes that tricked her before. The sly man had placed them on purpose; Nina's bloody hands were still weak, stinging from the pain. Walking back on the roof, she ran and prepared to jump like a cat onto the next building where the team was already waiting for her. Gliding through the air like a predator after her prey, Nina landed onto the still icy roof, the team greeting her. "Good work agent" a voice sounded, that was so familiar to her. It was Nikolay, another experienced agent, that had been working with her for many missions. Smiling back, Nina said: "Always ready". Slapping Nikolay a high five, although not as hard as usual, her hands covered in now dried blood. "That guy sure knows how to trick you, and well, knowing you, that's not easy" Nikolay said, a tone of amusement showing through his Russian accent. Nina just gave him a stern look, and replied: "Come on, it's time to go back". With that, the other men of five, Nikolay, and Nina all climbed aboard the helicopter, the still unconscious man carried through, and strapped in.
"So, that's one man down" Nikolay said, turning to face Nina.
"We'll see if he's guilty first" answered back Nina, staring outside the window.
"What did you think you just shot him for no reason?".
"I shot him unconscious, not dead".
"True. Well if he lies, we'll know, if he doesn't, we know too".
Nina just nodded in agreement. If Nikolay, and all her other fellow agents wanted to be in real disguise- thought Nina- they would really have to work on hiding their accents. She was a natural, and as a child had moved from one country to another. It was all because of her Dad's job. First America- the land of dreams, then Germany- the country with which her homeland had been enemies with, for what Nina felt, not so long ago. And then of course Britain, where her family lived now, and she did too. Until her eighteenth birthday. Until she became a spy. It was the perfect profession for her. Knowing three languages, and being able to speak them all like her mother tongue, plus able to switch accents off and on successfully, as well as having a very sporty body, well she was ideal.
The helicopter then landed on a very well camouflaged Russian, spy base. Except they weren't evil, they didn't want to capture the whole word, or destroy it, or do any harm. They weren't alcoholics like every country, and the people stereotypically think. No, they where only there to fight. And not fight good. But to fight evil. But sometimes the 'goodies' got the wrong idea. Sometimes, the 'goodies', assuming all Russian spy organisations are diabolical, attacked. Sometimes, this happened. And well, you decide who are the 'baddies' after all...
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Beth (^.^)
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