My Day In Court. My day in court. His lawyer is yelling accusations at me, saying how I made it all up to get back at him. But I won't let him get to me. I answer all the questions given to me.with complete honesty. I do not understand why she is sticking by him, after all he admitted it to her when I spoke up telling her what happened. I do not understand people. Then just like that, His lawyer brings Daniel into things, it makes me angry. Mad. The subject brings me into an unfit mental state. I ask for a break, the judge allows me fifteen minutes. The camera is switched of, all my emotions come all at once. I cannot stop the tears. I cannot stop the panic attack. I just want to see Daniel. But they won't let me. I get to see Tamara though. Maybe she can calm me down. Make me feel better. I want to punch the wall. I stop myself. Thinking calm thoughts. There's not long left just a few more questions. I hope I can stay calm for these few questions. (Names have been changed due to anonymous reasons)
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