Nuzlocke Challenge - Day 2 - The #life And Death Of Kricketot Feeling confident having made it through route 202 with no major calamities, I grabbed some potions at the jubi#life city pokemart and headed out to route 204 to catch my next Pokemon. My bounty was a level 4 Kricketot. I swore to protect and care for it, and train it as best I could. … It fainted later that day at the hands of GARY, my blonde-haired rival. I swore to avenge the little guy's demise and grabbed a Geodude (coolest name ever) from the ravaged path and continued on to Oreburgh City to challenge the rock-type gym. How hard can it be? CURRENT PROGRESS: Chimchar - level 10 Bidoof - level 9 Geodude - level 5 Badges - 0
Nuzlocke Challenge - Part 1 - The Dynamic Duo Headed up with rival GARY to the lake and grabbed my starter: a cute little Chimchar. In its eyes, it seemed to be saying, "Well I hope you're happy. You've embarked on this frankly ridiculous challenge, endangering me hugely, and for what? A higher rank on a small social network. Nice job THOMAS!" I ignored the monkey and headed out to route 202, catching a Bidoof. (Not my preferred choice, but there's no turning back) Foolishly forgetting to buy any potions at the pokemart, I barely made it to Jubi#life city, with both Pokemon on 2 HP. I'm going to have to be less reckless if I'm going to reach the elite four... What have I got myself into? CURRENT PROGRESS: Chimchar - level 8 Bidoof - level 5 Badges - 0
Nuzlocke Challenge - Day 0 For those of you who don't know, the Nuzlocke Challenge is a way of playing through a Pokemon video game under special player-driven rules that make the experience more intense and rewarding. The rules are thus: •Any Pokemon in your party who faint are considered DEAD and must be set free. •You may only catch the first Pokemon you meet in an area. If the Pokemon flees or faints, tough luck. There are other variations of the challenge that can be found with a quick Google, but I'll be sticking to these two basic rules on my playthrough of Pokemon Diamond. I'll upload the first day soon. Hope you enjoy my adventures!
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Thomas Mcintyre
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