Ours "I just can't believe he would do that." "Calm down, Drew," I tried to soothe him. "Dad was just trying to get on your nerves, don't let it get to you." He gritted his teeth. "But to say what he said - " "Hey, remember? What he says won't change us." I smiled a bit, trying to lessen the blow of my father's insults. Silence. He was still mad at him. I sighed. "So don't you worry your pretty little mind. . . " I sang, knowing what would happen next. He rolled his eyes. "People throw rocks at things that shine," he muttered. I smiled. "And #life makes love look hard . . . " I looked at him, dark, ruffled hair and sea green eyes and all. He continued to mutter. "The stakes are high . . . " I punched him lightly. "The water's rough. . . " He finally smiled, and we sang the last line together. "But this love is ours. " Inspired by Ours, a song by Taylor Swift
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