In English Heaven Well today I had double English and a 2 hour English language mock exam.. I never want to see the word English again, but that is difficult considering the number of time I have written that word. [that word beginning with e] anyway my bottom is in pain from such a terribly long exam I fear I might need surgery or at least acupuncture. And double English [damn I said the word again] I can't recall much of for I was asleep, which was embarrassing as I now know I snore loudly.. Let's hope Friday the 13th will be good.. Just avoid any black cats and ladders. And that song 'Friday' by Rebecca black.. Aargh that song does my head in.. Anyway enough of me. I bid you goodnight my ninja monks!!
Middle Of The Week Blues. Good evening ninja's! I put a full stop there to show just how depressing the middle of the week is, or wednesday as some people call it. Now want to know why it's depressing? Of course you do, you have no choice. It is because it is two days till the weekend but you have only made it two days without getting your arse beaten to pulp, which is a good thing, but you have to survive for another two painfully long days.. One of them involving double English..! So as of today Wednesdays suck, and did I forget to mention the 2 hour mock English Language exam?