Arena Year 2056- Chapter 2 * I changed the year to 2056. Please comment if you would like to be mentioned when the next chapter comes out. I take the elevator upstairs to my room, and go into my closet. It is 1 mile x 1 mile x 1 mile. I run up the stairs (yes, my closet has stairs. How else do you expect me to get around my closet) and go to the 2nd floor. It has a shelf with all my storage on it. I grab a tiffany blue backpack (Look up the color, it's really pretty!) and grab 2 changes of clothes, a ponytail holder, a comb and brush, my phone, my savings (only $5,000, mind you), and a pair of shoes. I then take the elevator to the kitchen, grab some snacks, then take the elevator to the front door. When I got there, I ran outside and started to run down the path. Big mistake. A black car pulled up in front of our house, and a tough looking guy dressed in a black suit stepped out. "How old are you?" he asked me as I ran past the car. "10" I yelled behind me as I ran down the path. "We'll see about that," he yelled as he grabbed a net from the car and pursued chase. I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, and barely got in front of him. I turned a corner and quickly hid behind a tree. The suit dude ran down the path, not even noticing me as he sprinted by. I waited about 10 minutes, and he ran back. He went over to the car and went inside. The car drove away. I ran down the opposite path that the car took. I was lucky that they took the other path, because my friend's house was this way. I rushed to their door an rang the doorbell. Her mom answered with wet streaks coming down her face, and more on their way. "Oh no," I thought. My friend was 11. The car had come from down this street. "Jenny was taken by a man in a suit," her mom answered my thoughts. "I don't know why!" "Have you seen the news?" I asked. She shook her head. I showed her the devastating news program, and she started to bawl even more. "I'll find her," I said, as I hoped that we would both make it out alive. "Thank you, Jess," Jenny's mom said. "Good luck!" As I walked out the door, I hoped that was exactly what I would have.
Arena Year 2121, Chapter 1 I tumbled out onto the open dirt area. "Round One!" the announcer says. He pulls a lever, and a cage opens. Out runs a giant black leopard. As I watch in horror, the leopard pounces right next to me and holds up its paw. Claws pop out. "Uh oh" I think. --------------------------------- You may be thinking," What in the WORLD is going on here? Well, I'll make it simple. I'll start at the beginning. My name is Jessie Hartview, Jess for short. I have brown hair down to my shoulders, hazel eyes, and I wear glasses. I live in a 8 floor house (yeah,I know it's tiny, compared to the 15 story houses they made in 2118, 3 years ago.) and I have 1 brother named Luke. Well, anyways, today I woke up and took the elevator to the kitchen. Mom had chocolate chip pancakes ready for me. "Good morning, honey! How'd you sleep?" she said when I walked out of the elevator. "Pretty good, I guess," I replied as the hoverchair hovered over to me. I sat down, and it hovered back to the table and went on lock mode. I started eating. I love chocolate chip pancakes. They are really yummy, especially when they're still hot. Then the chocolate chips melt in your mouth. Yum! "I have some bad news, Jess," Mom says as she sits on a hoverchair. She turns on the TV, and I watch it. The news goes like this: "From now on, any 11 year old girls who have not been in Camp Calluses will be tracked down, captured, and brought to an arena where they will battle animals. When they finish battling(if they are still alive, of course) they will be examined by a doctor, then if they are ok, they will be sent home. If not, we will feed them to the animals. Good luck! "Well, honey," Mom says,"I told you that you should have gone. But you wanted to stay home. Sorry." "It's not your fault, Mom," I say to her. "I'm going to come up with a plan that will help me." "Ok honey," she says. "Good luck!" I hope I have good luck.
New Contest!!! Hi guys!!! I am making a contest for the best adventure series. Please comment on this if you would like to enter, and tag me in your book/ separate chapters. Prizes: 1st Place: •10 likes •5 nice comments •2nd Place: •5 likes •4 nice comments 3rd Place: •3 likes •3 nice comments
Title To Be Decided... Prologue: It was the year that the amazing invention was...well, invented. Scientist John Screenshot, on Friday, March 13, yelled,"I've done it!!! The greatest invention of all time!" And it was. The amazing robot-computer had been born. And everyone wanted one. It was only the first of its kind, and in 50 years, nobody expected them to take over...
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