Crashing The impact of a moving car suddenly stopping throws everything of balance. The pull of the force throws me into motion, my body jerking forward, lower intestines feeling the pull, my brain rocking inside my skull. The terror filling my heart and brain driving adrenaline into my veins. The seatbelt catches me mid throw as I am jerked forward and I feel the tightening in my chest a growing pain as the force rockets me back into my seat. My brain hitting the back of my skull as I hit the headrest. Glass shatters, and my eyes are shut. My arms lash out to protect my face. Then shortly after the movement is done my body gives into the pain and i'm out like a light. When I wake again still strapped into the car. Glass shattered all over me. A sharp pain put into my chest and head. The voices reaching my ears but I'm still half out of it the comprehension doesn't stretch that far. Light shines in bright and I flinch away at the sight. " Harry we got a survivor!" someone yells " Hurry get her out." Some of my functions start to come back as I smell the exhaust and the broken radiator of the car. They pull me out and I lose consciousness again. The antiseptic smell of the hospital arouses my senses and wakes me. I blink as the bright fluorescent lights hit my retina. The beeping of the machine sitting next to me hitting my ears. The feel of the thin fabric on my body and the light blanket covering me. I feel like all of my senses are coming back to #life. My throat is dry and my lips are cracked.
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