Anna Part 1 RUN... I had to run I didn't know which way would lead to my freedom but I just had to get out of here. I ran head first through the maze of tunnels carved in deadly cold stone as ancient as the earth it's self. Until I saw sunlight dancing through a door half-way up the wall. I shook my head but their wasn't any time to try and get up any other way. She felt her body change as she flew through the tiny door in the wall she opened her eyes ,normal again.
A New Start I know I've said this before but I'm gonna do it this time, I'll post when I can and I'll let you into a secret... I'm gonna write a story. Not sure how long but I'm gonna type up bits as I finish them and I'm gonna see where it goes and if you want something to happen in the story please just comment! I want to make it as good as possible so please point out any spellings or punctuation I got wrong! It will be my first attempt at anything like a book so here goes nothing!!!
Diana âðâð
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