Magnets When you put two magnets together, they cling to each other for dear #life because those two magnets were meant to be together. They are physically and scientifically attracted to each other. That is how they were made. They were made to be together. That is their purpose, and they are happy to serve their purpose. So why is it that the most fun for us is pulling them apart? Humans were made as sinful, jealous, horrible creatures. They relentlessly slurp up each others happiness, feeling that that will give them more power and joy. They pry and lie and create misery for one another in hopes of making their #life better. But what we all fail to realize is that after a while, the magnetic pull will break, and when it does, the magnet pulls back, rushing towards us. I always end up pulling the magnet back further than I wanted to. In real #life, the same thing occurs. We pull and tug away at each others happiness, trying to let some of another's light shine into our lives. But we never realize how much we have taken away from someone else until its gone. So please, be selfless today, and don't take away someone else's happiness. It took them a long time to find it, so let them have it. We all have our own joy that is hidden on the winding, spiraling road we call #life and eventually, we all will find it. And once we do, we will never fail to be attracted to it because we are lead by the pull in our heart. We are simply magnets.
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