Escape. That's The Plan. Escape. That was the plan. Yes. The darkness was closing in, and it was sure in a hurry. Escape. That's the plan. The corridor seemed to last forever. The carpet was soft beneath his bare feet, and he longed to stop and enjoy it, to scrunch his toes up in the soft polyester. No. Escaping, that's the plan. With each step the corridor felt smaller, enclosed. He could feel his blood rushing through his body, his heartbeat quickening. The darkness was closing in. A small breeze swept through the corridor, making his robe dance, as if it were alive. He kept walking. It's getting too much now. The darkness, it's right there behind him, licking at his heels, teasing him. Something glints to his side. A small brass doorknob in a large wooden door, set in the wall of the corridor. He reaches for it, twists and pushes. The door is flung inwards, sucking him in with it. Quiet. The door had shut behind him, and for a brief moment, he could relax. It was short lived. The door had not provided the protection he had so desperately sought. Gazing into the gloom ahead, there seemed to be a large room. It was narrow, and carpeted. As he paused to feel the soft polyester between his toes, he felt it. Something was seeping through the door, tickling his heels. He took a step forward, then another and another, until the only sound was his his feet padding along the soft floor. He has but one thought. Escape. That's the plan.
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حذف التعليق
هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟
حذف التعليق
هل أنت متاكد من حذف هذا التعليق ؟