The Reaper CHAPTER 1 The Man For The Job The hookers whistle as i walk through the dark alley. "Hey cutie wanna play with me a little"hollered one of the hookers. I smile and reply "I think well have to play date some other time sweetie". I continue through the alley, my boots crunch the broken glass on the floor, until I reach a door at the end of the alley. A drunk man stumbles out of the door swaying back and forth due to excessive alcohol. He starts chuckling as he notices my presence. I ignore him and turn the nob to the door and walk down the stairs. The room i walk in is musty an all the tables are worn .A group of three men ,in suits,are sitting in a table and two men in rugged outfits isolate themselves from the rest of the room.I walk up to one of the seats in the counter an take a seat. "Can i have a cup of tea?" I ask the tender. "This ain't a three year olds room where you can have your little tea party kid,"Said a man in the small group. "Tea helps relax the body when stressed.........any-who why's a drug lord like you doing in a rundown bar like this, Braga" I reply. He frowns, i quickly remove my revolvers from the holster beneath my coat an click the trigger. My first bullet connects with one of the goon's heart, my second bullet explodes on Braga's abdomen. A bullet scrapes my should, a third bullet is released from my gun a zooms through the air and penetrates the other goon's forehead. Both goons lay dead on the floor, blood pooling around their bodies. "Is my tea ready?" I ask the tender. "Here it is," replies shakily the tender. I receive the tea and walk up to a barley conscious Braga. "Who the bloody hell are you?" He asks with difficulty. " I am..... The reaper,". The bullet echoes throughout the room as it enters Braga's brain. I take a sip and begin to walk up the stairs when two canisters roll down the stairs, they begin to hiss as a gas is released from them. I quickly move back, but the gas has already gotten into my body. I black out. CHAPTER2 The Virus Bright lights bring me back to my senses. A slowely set myself up on the metal bed,my cloths and weapons are missing, i scan my suroundings wondering where the hell i am? A door slides open a short man and a young women walk through it. "Im sorry for dragging you here in such a rough manner, but you see i had to make sure you listened to me" spoke the short man. "My name is Dr. Ashton Kanan, but you can just call me Kanan". "Where's all my stuff?" I ask. "Your personal belongings will be returned to you after we finish our discussion Nero". " How the hell do you know my name?" I reply. "I know alot of things about you Nero, like how your 17 year old illegal bounty hunter/hit man , and that your code name is Reaper. You like to work by yourself and your armd with two revolvers, a knife, and highly dangrous explosives. I also know your a hacker who isnt afraid to hack the government to get a list of highly damgrous criminals." "Well someones been stalking me," i retort. "So now that youve briefed me, i wanna know why you wnt to talk to me". Yes of course, well how do i start? Well you see im a high government ranked scientest who was put in charge of studing a highly dangrous unkown virus strain. This strain was created to wipe out out entire nation, but thanks to our special forces we were able to prevent that from happening , this strain had already affected a certain island though. We were able to obtain samples of this strain that were currently calling it [The X parasite]. "Ok so you found a new flu i still dont get why you need need me im not a doctor" I interrupt. "Well you see," continued kanan when the X Parasite merges with an organism it, its mutates and targets the central nervous system sending its host into a barbaric, carnivores frenzy. "So it basically turns the person contaminated into a zombie. Cool, and let me guess you want me to go to that island and wipe out its infected population," i respond. "No. Thats not the problem. We took the liberty of blowing up that island, but the main problem is that a fellow scientist has stolen samples of the virus and is planning on using it for his own profit. What we want is for you to find and annihilate him before he has a chance to infect high populated communities". "Whats in it for me," i ask. "Isn't saving the human race reward enough," asked Kanan. "Im getting payed right?" Kanan sighed, he knows I'm not gonna budge that easily. "$1000" he said. "WHAT THATS BULL i can get more money on my own WITHOUT risking the chance of getting INFECTED by a zombie turning fucking virus," I exclaim. "Well if you don't agree to my terms i can charge you for hacking and killing without a badge, plus if you do ill get the power to clear that and get you a legal bounty permit." He replies cooly. " Just great in a matter of days i get rid of YOUR biggest criminals, and what do i get fucking charges for doing YOUR JOB, an now it looks like ima have to go look for a zombie virus steeling bastard". CHAPTER 3 Preparation "Well what the plan" i ask. "You'll be working with our talented Makara" Kanan says. " YOU said it yourself i work ALONE" i interrupt. "Oh but it would be just you and me,alone,together ...we could have lots of fun you know" she replies. "I pass" i reply. She walks to a counter directly straight from me and slowly reaches down to her legs and runs her finger up until it reaches her her skirt, she slowely lifts her skirt "You sure you dont want to partner up," she winks at me. "Im not that kind of person," i relpy weakly. "Oh really then why are you still staring" she responds. I blush, why the hell am i blushing I've seen many girls before, have i just been seduce, am i really that weak. "Where do i start" i ask kanan. "Follow me" he replied he walk through the door he walked in from . Makara following him, i couldn't help notice how her hips moved with every step she took. "Stop being a perv an hurry up" Makara calls out. I follow them into the next room. Im shocked not at the fact on how huge that room is, but how its supplied fully of weapons of all kinds an how neatly its all categorized. "Chose your toys kid" Kanan says. I head to the hand guns display and pick up two Beretta a black one and a white one i also pick up a golden Desert Eagle. I head over to the blade section an pick out a 4 foot katana that has a black and red hilt, i also take a couple Chaos double edge ( for those who don't know its a combat knife). I head toward the explosive area and grab 3 grenades and 2 flash bangs. Last i head to the poisons area, i don't know much about poison so i just get a few viles that say highly deadly. Kanan hands me a vest and a coat, i quickly arrange my new weapons "i get a cure to the virus right?" I ask kanan. "No their is no cure, all the remaining samples that could have helped produce a cure are with Selezar, the rouge scientist. But if you check the lower left side of your vest you'll find a small handy first aid" "Well this is going to be fun," i sigh.
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