Twinkie Winkie And The Man "Quickly" said rose running for there #life, as they saw a speck of light at the end of the cave. There was a figure chasing the two friends. "Raaaaaa"went the figure behind rose and Lucy . Then the figure turned and ran back as they reached the exit.Out side the two friends Lucy and Rose flopped on the grass which was surrounded by a jungle.Then dark figure came out he had a ugly MOLE!! Then he called minions get then MINIONS MINIONS ow for goodness sake two key twinky winkey and came out a small pink Marshmallow then he said"hello" Then suddenly flowers started to sing then the Marshmallow turned in to the monster what was chase ing us in the cave."ARHHHHHHH" we screamed,as the monster eat them for lunch and were never saw again.
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