#life is to short to just sit around and not explore. My names tallulah and I desided to travel the world just to be exotic as I've never taken a risk. So it all started when I got on ithat plane to Germany. The second I arrived there i thought it was going to be hot yet it was cold, beaches yet there were mountains, surfboards yet there were snowboards. So as that trip wasnt successful I chose to go straight to Italy. Now that was what I was searching for hot, beaches and surfboards what more could you want. I KNOW!!! Italian boys, why didnt i think of that before. Since i turned 21 I've wanted to get a boyfriend everything in my mind was easy to get but no i just had to ruin a perfectly good 3 year relationship. So when i just turned 18 i became depressed because all my friends had boyfriends and there i was third wheelling on their dates until i wet on my lat third wheel date when there he was Jacob. The boy i dated for 3 years and i had to go and end it as i believe every thing i hear so i ended up cheating on him because one of my friends told me he was cheating on me but it was really me, so thats why i went on that trip so i could take my mind off the horrible things i believed in then. Chapter 2 So it was my second day in Italy and i went to the beach and sat in this sun chair then a shadow covered me and a voice said " thats my chair. " i got up amd just walked away didn't say a word.
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