Excerpts Of An OF In his fuzziness he registered that her eyes looked red. He didn't stop to find out why, though, didn't bother him at all. All he knew was that she looked warm and inviting. Her cheeks lightly flushed and pink like her lips, like always. Just the way he remembered her to be. It disgusted him to realize that he had missed her with every ounce of his being.
Moments Of Insanity "They stood motionless, emotions that couldn't be expressed with words passing between them. Their grip on each other was fierce, almost as though they were trying to freeze time in this very moment. Because, fuck, #life can suck so badly, but that doesn't matter in moments like this."
"A tinkling laughter caught his attention and he looked ahead to see Granger with her face turned to the side. Her little nose was red and her cheeks were stained prettily. The Boy Wonder was laughing too and Draco wondered what kinds of things made Gryffindors laugh."