The Kiss Good-Bye The Kiss Good-Bye By: Noel Johnson Scene 1 Alex: It's nothing, really. Jade: What do you mean it's nothing? ( laughs playfully ) That wasn't just any hug. Alex: Oh really now, it wasn't? ( puts his hand over hers ) What kinda hug was it then? Silence for a couple seconds Jade: ( starts to cry ) It was your good-bye hug! I love you Alex, I don't want you to leave me! I don't know what I would do withou- Alex: ( puts a finger to her lips ) I love you too Jade. But it's not that easy. I must leave, they're searching for me! Jade: Who is searching for you? ( Jade moves his finger from her lips ) Why are THEY searching for you? A long dreadful silence as Jade and Alex sit at the table Alex: ( gets up from his chair violently ) The police are looking for me! I fucked up my whole #life! Our whole future! I thought they wouldn't find out but they did! Jade: ( cries in agony ) What do you mean? Alex, I don't understand. Alex: You won't understand the sacrifices I made for us! For me!.... For you...... Jade, I've never loved anyone as much as I love you and I panicked. I didn't know what to do! The room was silent as Jade slowly walked over to Alex Jade: ( puts hand on Alex's shoulder ) Please, explain to me why the cops are after you. Maybe I could help. Alex: No! No you can't help! Don't even think about it! Alex pauses for a brief moment Alex: I killed him. I killed that man. That man who had raped you and your mother. I killed him out of anger, I couldn't control it! He hurt you, so I HAD TO hurt him. Knocking him out wasn't enough! I had to her scream like he heard you and your mother scream! I wanted to make him- Alex cuts himself off and turns away from Jade Jade: Alex, I love you, please let me help you. We could change your name and get you a new look. Please Alex, don't leave me alone! Not now! After everythin- Alex: No! I am leaving and that's all there is to it! ( Alex puts his hands on Jades shoulders ) Do you understand! Jade: Alex...... Alex: What is it Jade? I have to leave, or they'll catch me.... Jade: Kiss me good-bye... Don't think about it Alex, just do it. I need this, it will give me a good, beautiful memory of us. Alex held Jade close and kisses her like he never had before. Alex: I love you Jade! ( a tear rolled down his cheek as he turned for the door and left )
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