A man with a dream.
Weird Dream Having kids. That was what I dreamt about last night. No, it wasn't a nightmare, it was actually nice. Maybe someday I'll have kids of my own with a nice pad and a beautiful, loving wife, who knows.
Calm Tuesday Sitting on bed, looking out the window, the day seems serene. I wish most days were like this.
Minecraft Seems like an interesting game. Might give it a shot when I have some cash and time.
12,000 Years Ago A love predestined 12,000 years ago? Seems silly but can't help but think that it's pretty cool.
Guild Wars 2 Not really a fan but what I can say about it is that it looks pretty epic. Might try it out when I have time.
¿Estás seguro de que quieres unirte?
¿Estás seguro de que deseas eliminar este miembro de tu familia?
Has pinchado Lesmokingbear
¡El nuevo miembro se agregó a su lista de familia!
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