Aspergers In England Today In 2009 the Government gave us the Autism Act, fours years later is it working or is the Government fooling everyone. Having had Aspergers all my #life but having only been diagnosed two months ago I've found my #life to be a #life of hurdles, disappointments and misunderstanding. It has been an extremely long journey to attempt to get my #life in order without success. I wanted to share with everyone what these hurdles are. I'm going to be honest, it's easier for me as I do not have the ability to photoshop the truth just like our Members of Parliament or the Media. This is from the mouth of the horse so to speak. I will explain what I've had to do that others may find run of the mill. To me this is a country where politicians tell you one thing but the opposite is really happening. Where contracts are meaningless and only protect the company issuing the contract and not the person. This is a country were rules are applied but not followed. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, nor am I attempting to debunk anything; ultimately I hope that the people responsible for setting up policy, schemes, laws and rules actually stick to them. In the next post I will tell you how England is, through the eyes of an adult man, who has a High IQ,, Aspergers, PTSD and is deaf in one ear. I will discuss how ineffective certain policies are, how rules are ignored, how hospitals are understaffed to the point that the patient suffers, the staff are stressed and unappreciated. Where the police seem to make it up as they go along and I will address the rise in rudeness, anti social behaviour... England is not how it is depicted on TV. The reality can be overwhelming for certain people. Thank you for reading my first post, I hope you will find my next post more interesting .
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