The Invisibles:chapter 1 Peyton My eyes are opened in a flash as my ears erupt with the sound of an alarm blaring. My hand slams on the oak nightstand left of my bed. I feel for my clock and slam it down. I'm not ready but who is when it's the first day of eighth grade. I weigh my options as to how I can escape the inevitable doom of school. I could play it off like I'm sick. No Peyton suck it up. I slowly drag myself from the comfort of my navy blue bed onto the cool floor that now grasped my feet. Moving at a pace that a snail would laugh at, I put on my dark jeans and a shirt with my old schools name on it. "Not into the spirt of school this year either Trip?" I jumped. It was Emily, the oldest of all four of us. I shook my head. Not ready to stutter through my words trying to tell her not to call me Trip. This was the name kids had given me from the prime age of eight.I threw my black sweatshirt onto my arms and started towards the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. My hair was bothering me again. Why couldn't it just be straight or curly? It had to be the black mess of in between. I brushed out the parts I could and put the brush down in frustration. Forget it I don't care. The twins Evan and Ella passed me like a flash. They may have been in the fifth grade but they still had the energy of toddlers. "Trip you'll be late!" Ella called as she was sliding down our spiral railing. I looked in the mirror one more time. "Hi I-I'm P-P-Peyto-on." It was the best I could do. Stomping down the stairs I grabbed my backpack. It smelled like leftovers. "Mom did you pack me lunch leftover again?" I screamed down the hall. "Of course Peyton." I rolled my eyes. Quickly, I threw on some shoes and started out the door. Emily was out the door and up the street already talking to her friend Jessie.It was okay. She hadn't walked with me since she was in the eighth grade herself.walked with me in three years since she was in the eighth grade herself. I hurried to school. Science first. That wasn't too bad at at least it wasnt math. English was ussally the herself in eighth grade.
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