#life's Ride "#life is a ride." Those were my moms words. I've always treasure them, I always have and I always will. She died a few weeks ago and now those are the only things that remind me of her. She died in a fire at her office. She was a banker, no one knows how the fire happened and how it could have happened but it did and nothing can change that. 6 years later "Mom used to tell stories to me, Logan, Maive, and Steve. We would beg her to tells us more every night because she was such a good story teller," I told my 6 year old sister Stephanie, " Until she died-" "How old was I?" She asked "About 6 months. She would sing lullabies to you too." "It's time for bed!" Amy (our aunt) told us. Our mom was single so we had to find someone to take care of us until they could find us other parents, but Amy was a really nice lady. She had no kids and she really wanted it, and we don't have to call her aunt Amy all the time because it gets annoying so we call her Amy. She also has a dog named Lola who's adorable and we love her. Shes also married so we sort of in a way have a dad. Amy gave us our own bed and our own room and each room is custom designed for each one of us to made to look like everything we've ever dreamed of! It's amazing but the best thing is that each one of our rooms has a little piece of something mom would have loved. So it's really not that bad living without our mom. Schools bad though every week day I have to sit in Death Valley for a whole day pretty much. Tomorrows school another day of torture.
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