Figure Eight Part 1 Silence was found, finally. Those people were cheering on the football team like crazy. I was standing in a locker room. Gross, the smell of sweat lingered around the room. Steam filled the showers that the team took after the game. I found myself drowned by towels that had fallen from a rack after I stumbled and tripped over a bench. I headed to the nurses office to get a ice pack to put on my bruises. The game had finished once I headed back to the stadium. Our team had lost and the Patty Hill Majors had won again. Bridge Wood Fire Starters aren't doing too good this season. I later headed home in the trick my aunt had given me a few years back. I live with my aunt right now. My parents both went on business trips and who was I going to stay with? My parents got divorced when I was very little. I don't remember seeing them together. Anyways, when I got home something seemed different around the house. It smelled like blooming blossoms in the start of spring. I walked into the kitchen and there was my aunt cooking some turkey for dinner with a cherry blossom candle burning right next to her. She was listening to some Mozart while she was cooking and dancing like a robot. My aunt is really creative like that. When I woke up in the morning for school, I brushed the tangles out of my hair, put an outfit on and headed to school. And yes I brushed my teeth and ate breakfast. I had breakfast at Starbucks. I got some hot chocolate to keep me from freezing in the winter air, and a croissant. When I got to school something seemed different about Amber. Amber is not a color she's my best friend. We've known each other since we were little kids. She was sad. "Jackson left me and I don't what to do." She cried and cried on my shoulder. I comforted her as if she were comforting me. I told her that she needs to move on. Jackson doesn't deserve her anyway. She's nice he's a meanie. Why should they be together. I remember at the winter ball when Jackson left her dancing alone while he played video games at his brothers house. And he was the king and she was the queen. She should have left him first and that's the truth coming from the heart.
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