BLUE sky, oh what days you have seen with me,
Good and bad you have watched my blossom like a tree. SUN so bright, oh how many times you have kept me warm and safe through every summer day you have warmed my heart and soul. CLOUDS so dark and grey, oh how I hate you so. Those days anger filled deep within me, you covered the good and the sun from my reach and instead let the hurt wallow in my sorrow.
RAIN up in the sky, you were my tears when I couldn't cry, you covered me with every tear I cried and poured it back into my #life. You helped me get over problems, and you have helped me get over things and watched me scream. But most of all once I got it all out, that's when you watched me dance. Getting soaked within your substance twirling around with my wet hands lifted to the sky. WIND, you have blown dreams in and out of my #life. You have seen me go places, and done things that I thought you would have never taken me. You have watched people come in and out of my #life. And as you blew them away within your strong gusts . But somehow I know it was me who blew them away. You have seen me smile and face your strong current as I thanked your master for keeping one person here with me through it all...through all the rain, through all the storms, through all the good and through all the bad you have seen him stand here next to me holding my hand when I danced in the rain. He was right there beside me dancing along to your tune, smiling right at me. And that's when I knew, whatever you blow through my #life from now on I don't have to deal with alone. He will be here. he will help me. As we fold our hands and pray we thank our master for blowing us in each others pathway.
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