Preface - How It All Happened I was born on the 28th of August 2000. I lived with my mum and grandma in Brighton. I was an only child and had a lovely childhood. I started school at the age of 4 and was very happy. When I was 7, my grandma died from a heart attack. She was at home at the time and my mum witnessed her death. My mum and I struggled for a short while. My mum was very depressed for a long time. In 2010, my mum met with my dad for the first time since I was born and they fell in love again. My dad had left my mum when she had me and went away with another woman. He moved in with us a few months later. He didn’t like me though and I struggled for over two years. One night, he locked me out of the house and left me in the garden for the whole night. The next day, when Steve was at work, I told Mum that I hate Steve. When he returned from work, Mum told him to leave and a few days later, we moved away to Reading. A few months later, I found out Mum was pregnant. I was really happy but also worried because we had very little money. Around 6 months, in April, Mum had her baby girl and named her Maisie. She was beautiful. We went home the next day and Maisie and I had an instant connection. When I held her, she never cried and she closed her eyes. I started YouTube at the beginning of Year 7 to gain confidence. I have slowly gained nearly 150,000 subscribers which is incredible for someone of my age. I haven’t met any famous YouTubers yet. #life was so happy until later that year. It was a normal day at school in Year 7. I was in my Maths class when suddenly a teacher came in. She told me I need to go with her to the hospital. My form tutor was waiting in the office. She looked very sad. She took me out to her car and drove me to the hospital. I arrived, unsure who was in hospital. One of the nurses came up to me and led me away to a room. I remember the nurse opening the door and seeing my mum’s body lying on the table. I fell to my knees and wept for ages. I was sad, empty and confused. A while later, a social worker came in with Maisie and she handed me the baby. I did not let people take her away from me as she was the last person I had. I spent a while crying with my mum’s body before saying my final goodbye. I was taken back to a children’s care home with Maisie by a social worker. The home was big and full of children. I was taken to a room with Maisie and stayed there for days without leaving. I spent the days crying and being with social workers. It wasn’t until the third day when a social worker told me to leave the room and talk in his office. He told me that there were some foster parents interested already. He agreed to take me back home and pick up my stuff the next day. We did so and it was very emotional. A few days later, I met Craig and Suzy, the foster parents. They were lovely and they loved me. I moved in with them a week later. I met their daughter Lucy too. We got on so well that around 7 months later on New Year’s Eve, they agreed to adopt Maisie and me. I have been living with them since.
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