Sting Sweet Sodomy Introduction A dot? I blink twice. Dot. Dot. No, can't be? I haven't seen day light in years. Eh, could be a miscalculation. The days warp and mash together. It has been quite awhile anyways. I slowly lift my head closer, on to the magical, warm, glow. My eyes seemingly slow to adjust. I squint. It warms and warms and warms. I daydream I am on the beach. Hammock included, under the palm tree made covers with oh so delicate rays seeping through. The warmth of rays touch my face and I smile. WHAM! My door hits the wall hard. Someone is impatient and horny. Abrupt, not unusual. I dare not peak, squeezing my eyelids tighter until tears start to form and fall. I continue to proceed my fantasy. Creak. He topples over me and falls right behind me, spooning me. Slowly he wraps his arms around me, whilst smelling my right ear. Shit! He blocks the rays. Blake. Blake Callahan. B L A K E Rolls smoothly off my tongue. Dampens my panties. A beautiful name for the most merciful savior. Sometimes I go back and fourth on hair color. Today you will be dark copper blonde. Five o'clock shadow. Obnoxiously emerald green soft eyes. Thin, pale lips so seductively sweet and soft. You smell me sweetly and I allow it. Ha! I bask in it. Nozzle in warmth and affection. A long golden switch flips on and suddenly the mood grows dark, cold, shallow. I shiver. I try to keep my eyes closed, focused on Blake's everlasting beauty. He pulls me towards him gently. Then climbs on top, both hands on my shoulder and forces me facing him. Straddling me. Tight. Just keep them shut tightly. I hate this position. The straddling proves almost too intimate. Nearly impossible to keep my fantasy vivid. His funk so putrid I taste it deep in my throat. He smirks and lifts his right hand and slaps my cheeks rosy. My eyes burst open to find the devil staring right at me. He smiles. Leans down and sniffs me. I cringe. I try to close my eyes once more. Beach, rays, sand, something please? SLAP. SLAP. My eyes open ever so slowly. Blurry and faceless. I am so high. "Look at me doll." He demands. "I like my little Asian sluts to watch me with admiration. You know you love watching me fuck you good, whore!" His voice deepens, “Top dollar for your tight young twat. I want every inch of your sweet flesh.” That was my cue for pretend time. I take role. Actress Master calls me. “Its an art, learn it or bleed by it.” By now I have learned to adapt. Play my dirty role. Pretend. I have gotten damn good servicing, acting. Its pathetic. First time I cried when Master shoved his half-hard erection inside of me. It took me by surprise. Like piercing knives thrashing away at my flower. "You'll scare the customers!" He shouts. As his tobacco stained hands cover my mouth. I muffle and sob. His fingers climb over my nostrils and I choke on my tears. Hard cheap liquor fumes between us as he breaths harder and harder. I sobbed harder. He hears it and thrusts himself inside deeper and violently. Choke. Sob. Harder and faster. His grunts haunt me. I smell and taste of metal. Pennies in a pouch. He rolls over and I reek of stale musk and copper. The pain is piercing and burning. I have to reach down with both hands and delicately embrace my once innocent sex. I try to close my eyes while I embrace. Then suddenly burning, hard thrusting jabs hit me four times on my left breast. Mister Master uses his lit cigarette as his weapon of choice. "Next time you'll learn to enjoy it!" Repeat x4. 2X days. Now there are 10 burn marks across my bare chest. Some new scabs. Other healing scars. Master needs me to remember my role. I need me to remember. I fake a seductive smile at the man facing me. "Now, I want you to call me Daddy. Wait! BIG Daddy." Great one of those. Likes power, control, and thinks you should be begging for his massive wood to pleasure you for the first time in his #life. Egotistic, unwanted, and mostly pathetic. Nonchalantly. "Oh, you so big daddy. I need you to give it to me!" I roar sarcastically. I roll my empty eyes back. Hello Blake.... It quickly fades. This Mister is jack hammering me with his left hand grabbing my right breast so tightly my face wrinkles at the pain. His right index finger shoves itself dry & roughly. Cutting and stretching my asshole. My teeth cramps down so hard it rips through my tongue. Cherry fluids pours from my mouth. My cunt muscles spasm. Creating perfect kegals around his cock as he releases himself into me. His eyes roll back and I swear I heard a savage cry. He looks to fall onto me, crushing me with his weight. Staining me with his stink. I halt my palms out in front of me yet, his sweat and stink manages to overpower my malnutrition hands and I am infected once again. Crystal Meth. GHB. Coke. Crack. Master & Madame keeps me loaded around the clock. Dosing between clients.I try to eat through the high but I seem to only slurp and drool it out. I am thin. Grotesquely thin. Merely a child of 14 years old. Dressed up endlessly as a shy temptress doll. In a 6x6 room with no windows and a doubled locked door. You see I AM the Golden goose. The young, beautiful, innocent piece of meat to be tossed around, in and out, day and night for a measly $400 ever half hour. Pristine pussy. Tantalizing twat. Young, innocent cunt. Today the gods have gifted me with a few rays of light. Or am I hallucinating? I inhaled more drugs today then I ever have prior. Perhaps I am slipping away. High. I am a princess locked in a damp, dark dungeon. Help me Blake. I drift into a deep sleep. Blake is here. He stands in front of me smiling gracefully. I call out. Utter silence. Why must you stand there Blake wearing nothing but that goofy smile and half ascended arms? Please save my soul. Or at least my twat from its endless abuse. One “CON!” Silence. “COOOOOON!!” Little one she bellows in Vietnamese. I whine and moan, “Argh, OKAY MOM! I hear ya! GOD!” I roll from my back on to my right side. Sharply open my eyes. Blurry at first but my eyes focus. Sigh. I should probably try and destroy or remove her bed. It makes me miss her dearly and I quickly try to focus on the unwanted morning. Yes I am pissed. Mostly hurt. She deserted me. Left me to overly controlling Mother and alack of company. Thalliah, please return safely and soon. I need you more then you know. I miss your shadow next to me at night. I am in pieces. Drag myself past her bed and into the closest. Grumbling to myself I reach for her sweater and tug it recklessly over my head. Because of you she took away my the house keys, thus locking me into the house after school. All windows are bolted shut. Front and back doors double bolted so you would need a key to open and lock from inside out. At least one of us is a free blackbird. I will fuck up your favorite sweater for the abandonment. Brush, Pack. Go. I get to school and fragrantly scan the yard for her. She may come. Maybe baby. Thalliah no more. Smh. I stand alone. Head down and far from the Asian mean girls. I neath no hurt nor pain today. I duck and avoid. I have perfected becoming background noise. Ring. Ring. Last bell of the day, of the week. I can't help feeling fuzzy and empty. Odd combination of emotions. “Fucking great!” I mutter. I just realized I have an entire weekend locked in the house alone. I sigh. Bastard Bitch mother took with her the computer keyboards and locked up the portable land line. I try to remember where Thalliah hid the spare phone. Only problem is mother canceled three way calling as well, therefore if she decides to be sneaky and call home. A busy signal will prove my rebellious nature and all hell will break loose. I get home and wait for mother to unlock the door and lock me back in. She of course hands me a long, unforgiving list of chores to complete by 7 o'clock this evening. The door slams and locks behind me. I methodically imagine a scenario in which the house catches fire. I am stuck to slowly burn alive. Locked from every window and door. She comes home and discovers the house burning and breaks down realizing she has sent me to my utter painful death. Smh. I smile. I love the idea of guilt and regret haunting her. Slowly draining her of #life because she decided to be psycho and controlling. My thoughts often occupy my mind. Vivid and bursting with color and emotions. Sadistic, painful sex. Sodomy, death, blood, ole bloody gore and suicide. Over and over in my mind. I often wonder if I am a psychopath, but then I feel way too densely to be one. All of my sick, twisted daydreams are usually directed towards me. Thalliah says I am too chicken shit to ever prey. I wholeheartedly agree, dominate me baby. Carry Bear: vacuum dishes laundry windows and pack her things. -Ma I hated when she tried to be charming. Carry Bear. She doesn't even spell my name right. Cunt. It is spelled Karrie! “Pack HER things.” I read out loud. My heart fell through my anus and I start to tear up. So certain she is gone forever. Doesn't even have heart to not touch her things hoping she will change her mind and come home. The bitch cannot even call her by her name. Mother is single. Working and supposedly raising two teenagers. 16 and 14. Mother is strict. No friends, no phones, no whorish make-up, short shirts and FUCK no to the male species. We must be proper ladies. I am cowardly and afraid of mother. Thalliah is not. Mother found coco colored lipstick in Thalliah's purse and she stole it, burned it and slapped Thalliah across her face, while exclaiming, “WHORE!” Thalliah responded by sucker punching mother in the jaw. She grabbed her purse and ran out of the house. The rest of the evening had been spent on runaway police reports and Catholic mass. Mother demanded I repent for Thalliah's sins. Instead I spent the evening kneeling and cursing God for my shit #life. 6:57PM Cunt is almost home and I finish with all slavery chores but the last. I refuse to pack her things. I need her presence. Even if only pretend. She is my best friend and my sister. We did everything together. Bathe for hours. Shared secrets and souls. Blood bonded and never apart. Except for now. Once a few years ago we had a huge fight and Thalliah wanted to move into a separate room. I fought her tears and blood. Finally, told her I would kill myself if she did. She beamed. Her lips curl devilishly and she said, “You'd slit your fucking wrist because I am moving across the hall?” She made it sound so silly and I turned bright red. Embarrassed but I replied, “YES!”. Thalliah knew I needed her. I am a lost, suicidal soul without her. She is the stone and strength I could never be. I drag myself slowly towards our room. I stop mid doorway. My eyes swollen from emotion, scanning the walls. I must have stood there for 45 minutes not realizing it, because mother has just came through the front door and shouted a monotone “Ma is home!” I quickly dried my eyes and without thought slammed the room door, threw myself upon her bed and buried my face into her pillow. I woke up dizzy, stuffy and swollen. Mother cunt ignored the door slam and it takes me by surprise. It is dark and eerily quite. Time 3:33AM. I smile. The hour of the devil. Suppose he'll take me away to hell and make me his sex slave. I'd like to suffer by the hands of him. Smoke swirls to an image bubble. A black round marble slab with me bound to it. Ball gag in my mouth and fresh shallow cuts on my inner thighs. I am now at ease. pants are wet and I would like for Jayde to try and get some somber miewss. “Hmp?” I turn my head, still in deep thought but quickly snap out of it when Ping rings from the window. I race over and open the blinds. Look down and its Thalliah. I cannot open the window because mother has them nailed shut. Under mother's dragon lawn figures she places a note. She blows a kiss and poof she gone. It creeps up to me pulling at my ear, laughing in my face. I have no fucking way of getting that note tonight. Thalliah knew Saturdays are garden tending days for chores. I hurry back into her bed, grasping her pillow so hard, so close to me. I fall into fantasy once more. This time I am walking along a highway and I get picked up by a rapist. Hwy 610 serial rapist and monster. He slides behind me gracefully. Chloroform soaked handkerchief over my mouth. Hog ties me and slowly drags me into a shed along side the freeway. Intravenously drugs me with Crystal Meth so I am wide awake. Feeling every lasting pain, while he slowly dismembers me piece by piece. His face changes with emotion and I can she a hard budge in his pants starting to form. I crackle in laughter and enjoy the thought of being his most pleasurable victim. Scene for scene I try my best to pleasure him. He pulls off my final limb, my left leg and pulls out his rock hard throbbing cock and releases himself all over me. I THOUGHT she looked great for having two children!!! Snapshot of his “O” face lingers in my mind as I wake up and it is 2 in the afternoon. SHIT! She didn't wake me? What the fuck is going on? I throw on fresh clothes and run down stairs. Note stuck to the front door. Water garden garage door remains unlock Will be home past midnight, don't wait up. I wonder where she is going? Probably to Church, then I smirk. Shook my head and dismissed the thought of her meeting a man. I rush through the garage past the yard and right up to the dragon. Nervously I lift and there it is. Small white index card. Kailee, I mean not to desert you. I want you with me, however at this moment it is not possible. Give me a week and I will come back for you. Be ready Saturday at 2PM. I promise I will come rescue you! Love, Thally I beam. Hold the index close. Hiding it in between my breast. I walk deep in thought across the lawn and back into the house. Forgetting the damned chores. I rebel! I refuse! I react... My cheeks ache from contempt. The moment I place the index card on the stove to watch it burn to ashes, an alter ego suddenly swept over and timid Karrie was locked away. Leaving ruthless Kai. I search for the missing phone and find it in the attic hiding. Plug it in I call the person I know with a car, asked him, yes. HIM. To come over. Grabbed my cupcake bank and my goods and off to the pawn shop. TWO Saturday couldn't come sooner. I wake at the sound of the garage closing. I shoot up. 9AM I have 5 hours before Thalliah gets here. I whisked out a duffle bag and filled it with trendy clothes and important trinkets. I take a bath and pull out my stash of make-up I bought last week. Light eyeliner. Tad crooked. Blush on my pale yellow skin. Finished with a pop of color on my full lush lips. Tick tock. 21pm A fancy black sleek tinted sedan pulls up the drive way. My heart sinks. I run to it and jump in innocently trusting Thalliah was waiting for me. The car locks and drives off. I finally look around and there is a middle age Asian man beside me & what looked like a 1960s beauty in front. Stunned. " is.. did Thalliah send this car? The once Saigon beauty nods. Not looking directly at me I maybe 14 but I proceed to understand the silence. Twenty minutes pass. Old Saigon parts her lips slowly as if it sucks the energy from her. She let out a soft sigh then spoke,"My young beauty, I understand you are 14?" "Yes, ma'am." I try to stay polite. "Do you have boyfriends? A beauty as you. Boys must bow to you." I gushed, "no ma'am, mother does it allow it. I have never even spoken to a boy." I quickly regret my answer. I may have hinted my immaturity. She smiles, looks oddly at the stern man beside me and he nods. I spoke quietly interrupting their stare, "Is Thalliah close?" Uncomfortable silence. "My little Jade Jewel, you will not be seeing Thalliah for quite a while." My face wrinkles and I stare at her trying to understand what she meant. "Thalliah is mines." She says. "She owes me a great deal of service for her debt." "She ran away and has vanished." She slowly glazed over to me and said,"Your sister has given you up for barter." A wide wicked smile, "Her debt will be paid with your sweet services within 4 swift months." I still did not understand. I longed for more clues. Ignorant and dumbfound for been send to spy on a company we not only own but nurture? Saigon says,"If you run I will slit Thalliah's pretty long throat." I gasped and then I knew I was fucked. She chucked,"You have no one to blame but your selfish sister my child." "She served you on a porcelain plate." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The car turns left and I watched us drive up a long gated and heavily guarded drive way. It stretches 7.2 miles long with two check points. It was eerie, cold and dense of old huge trees. I no longer believe we are in or around Houston. I can usually retract my steps but this time there is no way this place is even on the fucking map. Although I still am clueless to how this book will effect our lives and relationships. My hand starts to clam, I am nervous. Shy. Excited. Sad compulsive.. hat work I must do to pay but four months should be a breeze. I typically believe I can be a hard labor. The car stops. The man next to me grabs a gag and blind fold me. He reacted so quickly I didn't even have time to be afraid. his reminds me of my fantasies. Dark & unknown. I felt a rush hit me, between my legs it tingles and I touch it softly until it dampens. I smile innocently, like i was going to be unveiled to a proper tea party. he anticipation overwhelmed me. I took a huge breath and smile for the very last time. He placed me in a room. I take a deep long breath. I try to peek but then kept wanting the awes of surprise so I didn't question the man. Three minutes later he asks nicely the laws of amputee. I smile and said I wasn't sure, "Get in there and you will refer to me as Master!" As he shoves me in the room I slam against the wall and bounced off the floor on to a new mattress. Saigon lady is to be called Madame. Or mum and before I could ask what this business is Master walks in my room over powers me and forces dope into me. He shoved it slowly into my tight virgin ass. Waited 5 minutes. Rips off my clothes and rapes me into submission. That night I laid there. Numb. Dizzy, Fuzzy. I am no longer a virgin. I held my hands cupping my cheeks and broke into a madden laughter and a river of tears. I never expected bells and whistles. I knew the atmosphere would stink of uncertainty. Thalliah shared her story of negative romance & loads of uncomfortable awkwardness. I giggled while she giveth all the details. I pictured giving mines to a man of worth. A wild story of the century. I suppose Master would be a man of worth in this part of hell. A wild cynical story I now posses. Awoken sounds of soft moans. It's cold, well more chilly. I am wet. It's me moaning. Oh my head. Heavy. I almost forgot where I was. door opens, Madame walks in with a tray. "Hold out your hand child." She dropped two blue pills and told me to take it. I obey. After a minute I felt calm, relaxed, and tingles. She left a pack of cigarettes on a small table by my bed. In her pocket she pulled out a thin long pouch. She sets something up while I daze off. Grabs my hand and shoots the smack into me. Everything rushes and floats. She left without notice and faceless man takes her place. My eyes roll back. Pure fucking euphoria. Mister grabs me and delicately enters me with soft passion. It still stung a bit but the pain was pleasurable. An overwhelming feeling took over and I scream myself into a slumber. Again I wake up, no concept of time. Another Mister's face morphed before me. This one wasn't so gentle. He picked up a skinny glass pipe. Smoked a huge hit. Blew it in my face. Demanded I puff. Then he unzipped his jeans, foolishly pulled out his penis it did a tiny wobble. He smacks it across my lips. Forcing himself hard. He couldn't get there so he shoved his small wrinkly cock in my mouth and eventually something warm and bitter forces itself down my throat. I choke and immediately barf beside my bed. He smiles and whispers to me,"forever remember my taste, my favorite cock tease." ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ THREE I drift away comatose. I was visibly older, mature. A slender, controlled, very put together future me. I study her face and suddenly she stands and my soul is sucked into her. We walk together. Closer and closer to a black M6. Keys appear in my hands and I open the driver's door. Slid inside. Tap the brakes and press start. It roars and purrs harmoniously. Take it out of park and so smoothly I drove. We drove for a while. Relaxed. I seem to familiarize myself with the empty streets. I felt strong and confident. Kai has once again taken over and we turn left into a garage building. Park. Open door. Settle in. As I dropped my keys the car is taken over. "Don't worry baby. He will come back for his hat. " Whom Blake? Instantaneously I fill with fuzzy warm pixy dust. I hunch over my mattress. It lays so close to the floor. I release all the toxicity in me. Wipe my mouth with my damp sleeve. Alone. Drugged, probably been passed around and ganged banged by faceless Misters and royal Masters. I reach down and touch my bare, sore labia. Head pounding, stomach grumbling. The door opens and it isn't a face I recognize. She's dainty, young. Well older than me. Very bland face but sweet soft hands. She's quite. She washes me with sunflower scented soap. Delicately changes me. Dresses me. Hair and make-up. Pumped full of drugs and ready for the goose of the night? Her bland pale face is worthless and sad I tell her I hate her and she scrambles out. Door locked behind her. i llay back and drift into pleasant hallucinations feud by uncut crystal meth and pure GHB. Some one whispers sweet melodies in my ear. I mumble, "Blake?" "Yes, my princess." I nozzle my face into his neck and smell. Oh musky heaven as I suck in his aroma. He moans and I have a sudden urge to ride his cock. My eyes still shut, I want to breathe him in. I lift myself up bare butt in air top hangs down draping over my left breast, exposing a part of my pink kissed nipple. I force him inside. He barely fits. I feel every inch of him. I ride full speed and it burns. Pleasure. Pain. Almighty burning. I scream and gush all over him. I open my eyes and its another faceless Mister. Fuck! Disappointed I had given my passion to a random. To another faceless fuck. I begin to tear up. Quickly hiding my face from Mister. I have to play pretend and force a laugh and smile, showing him my falsified pleasure. I needn’t not punished tonight. I will save the burning, cutting pleasure of Master's pains for my next shot of white china smack. I crawl off of him and flop to my side, fast falling asleep. I kick him gently and he leaves. I dream of sweet slumber sleep. ~~~~~~~~~~ A rare moment of clarity washes over me. I have been high for Jesus only knows how long. A light knock takes me completely off guard and I ask softly who it is. The mute girl opens the door carefully. Her head down and she dares not stare or bring her eyes up to mines. Poor girl. I turn my head and continue to sympathize the help. I slept into the next day. Thirty six hours. I have no memories of faceless Mister's and as I hold on to that thought Madam knocks and slips in. “Grand job for your first month! You can take Monday – Wednesday.” She continues, “that means 3 days off the third week of every month.” I glaze up at Madame and all I can think of is small talk. I close my eyes briefly and start to drift into a deep #depression. I signal for Little miss mute and she lays me down and grooms me. Injects me. Medicates my lost soul. I become blubber. Flopped aside my mattress. My lips become soaked with drool. I start to look forward to this. We will see before I give you any news Thalliah. No more secrets. I won't need pain pills or your goddamn pity. “I enjoy it.” Trying to persuade myself. I drop back into the stars and forget her fucking name. Eyes closed and I start to hymn a familiar tune. So fucking high. "You have lost me my dear bloody sister.” “I am gone baby gone. " ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I went ahead and ordered. “Please back with half pepperoni and pineapple pizza?” I shouted back at my mute. My eyes are completely fucked and my tongue torn in two. “I went and had my hair recolor as well as my nails.” I explained to Madame. She nodded her head showing she improved of the touch ups. My door cracked opened for the first time in weeks. Room completely furnished and tidy. The mattress had even been replaced. Fucking amazing I thought. I don't have to go to bed tonight with a lingering reminder of random, faceless fluids spewed all over. I hesitate, then called to my mute maid, “Please, tonight I would like to zone and fly. Have two ready after dinner.” After all, I thought I only get two days off a month. The rest I am a submissive, sex, doll. Enslaved and locked away. Mind, body, and half the soul I now lack. Trust me, the past few days I have yearned to hold, kiss, touch, or feel any part of your skin. I am longing for your touch. Your lips against my Labia. My mouth slowly sucking at your Fat, HARD, hulking penis. Perfection of the Gods. I mumble. “Yes you dirty little slut!” barked in my ear and took me by utter surprise. Ah fuck! Mister faceless sincerely believes I desire him. I cringe in thought. HA! I am a bit ashamed I zonked out that far and shared Kailee with this faceless shit. Blake my forever lover, please forgive me for emotion and lust I only share with you. Kailee is yours and yours and yours. As I contemplate my plea to Blake. Kailee hides in the shadows and Kai pushed her ruthless, pain loving, sick self out with vengeance. Kai's lips curl in a sadistic cruel smirk, throws the faceless shit down and slowly brings hell's fiery out for a night. He begs for her to touch him softly. Gagged and bound. She started with a whip. “Shut the fuck up pussy!” Kai shouts. Clearly annoyed and bored with this faceless cock. He whimpers. “You want pleasure?” He desperately nods and pleas. I paused. Grabbed a needle filled with a mixture of uncut smack and Crystal Meth and stabbed his erected cock pushing every drop of toxic gold into him. His eyes bulge nearly out of its sockets and I grab him and suck my medicine clean of it. I untie him. Fucktard seems satisfied, high, and in love. I quickly grab his undergarments and shoes and force him out. He turned around, stared at Kai with hopeful teen lust. “I will see you again tomorrow.” I laughed and said, “Double!” He shot back a stupid smile that is suppose to have some unspoken, untold inside joke behind it and disappeared. I knock to be let out. Crawl into the shower, fucking high as fuck....
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