Pregnant 1 I drove. Palms sweaty, mind buzzing. After about half an hour i pulled up in the car park of a far away Walmart where no one knew who I was. I let out a sigh as I glanced up at the sky and leaned back in my seat. My phone buzzed. Alice. 'Hey' it read. I flipped open my touch screen and typed: 'getting a pregnancy text, xoxo ❤' I got sarcastic when I was nervous. It sent, she seen it and I turned off my iPhone. With a deep breath I opened the car door, put my hands in my pockets and walked. I went to the women's hygiene section and I couldn't help but regret sending Alice that text, she told her mom everything. I got two, just to be certain. One was purple and it was $7 and the other was blue and $11. I handed the cashier the two. She looked at me with so much judge and hate I wanted to slap her. "And who are these for?" "Me." I smiled. "How old are you dear?" "21. I know I look young for my age, me and my fiancé have been trying for weeks, an announcement at the wedding. The judge and the hate drifted from her face. She laughed. I ran out of the Walmart with a plastic bag in my hand. I felt warm, nervous. I turned back on my phone and the texts from Alice poured in. I opened the car door and got in. Alice's first reactions were humorous. She used emojis and all caps. Then she decided it was an April fools prank. I text back an: ':/' My phone vibrated. Alex. I sighed and lifted the phone to my ear. "Yes baby?" "What's this about you being pregnant?" He whispered. "I don't know, I'm late and I've been vomiting. Alice told you?" "Yes, shit Maggie. What are we gonna do?" "Dude, I haven't even taken the test yet!" "But morning sickness and lateness is enough for me," his tone was strict, "goodbye, Maggie." He hung up. I put my head in my hands and cried. Sorry it's so short
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