Once Upon A Time Continued... My draw drops and I barely manage to splutter a feeble 'yes.' My friends gasp as I betray everything we stand for. He swaggers off, having just won another trophy. I slap my forehead. God I'm stupid! "What the hell just happened?" Evie demands, crossing her arms, "you know what he's like! Don't you remember what he did to me?!" I sigh softly, "it's his damn eyes! It's like he's been possessed!" My friends snigger and we walk off, trying to forget what just occurred. *** I step out of the car, wiggling nervously. "What do I do?? What do I say?" My friends laugh at me like I'm six again. "Don't be thick!" Ellen chuckles, "you'll do fine!" I swagger into the theatre, swishing my hips and smiling softly. Making sure everyone sees my entrance. Especially him.
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