Am a dinosaur where am going,i've already been There...........................
“ lets play a game called ‘i feel like im bothering you with everything i say so i wont make any attempts at contact until u message me first’”
先日、父は、男にフラれて落ち込んでいた姉をなぐさめようとして、「おまえ、人間は顔じゃないぞ」 と言うところを、「おまえの顔は人間じゃないぞ」 と 言ってしまった。” simple words
"Not really feeling this whole school college work till i die thing”
I see ma mamma smile ahh that a blessing, I see the change I see the massage
Bringing the ramen I just made into my bed to eat so don't talk to me about a "rebellious stage" Mom if you read this I'm just joking.”
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Je hebt geplooid Icemoustapha
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