“we really shouldn’t be here” you said, clinging to my arm + pulling me back “just a quick look” I replied, shrugging you off + moving forward “but what if we fall?” your eyes wide with panic, desperate to run back, longing to leave this place “ if we fall, we fall together” I pick up the pace, leaving you to scramble behind me. Nearly but not quite running to the golden glow and the end of the tunnel of trees. “wait for me! If you really must go then wait for me!” Slowly now we both move forward, holding each other. Ready to look over the edge. “ its beautiful” you whisper “its mesmerizing” I breathe We stand. Transfixed. Hypnotised by this transient beauty. The ground trembles. A guttural rumbling back from where we came “I told you we shouldn’t be here!” you panic and start to run. The earth is heaving trying to repel us. The invaders. The earth shakes You fall Backwards Downwards You scream I rush to grab your outstretched hand, holding on with an iron grip The ground is quaking. Its hard to hold on “don’t let me fall!” you cry I feel at peace. Bathed in the warm glow. “if we fall. We fall together” I let go of your hand and throw myself in after you. Together we fall. Spinning down into the ethereal glow. Together we fall In love
I wish I could show you what goes on inside my heart Inside my head Inside the very core of my being I wish that you wouldn't doubt me when I say I love you If only you could see my thoughts Taste my feelings Feel my passion Hear my desire These feelings render me speechless Younger tied Awash in a glow of warmth I wish you could see
she lights her cigarette + inhales deeply while you're standing staring seeing the flames barely touch her as the sparks fly writhing in agony you feel so alive waiting for the feelings to subside gathering your courage, your strength you reach for her an outstretched hand palm upwards inviting her in, to share your world to hold her as it comes crashing down a beacon of hope of desire of pure elation darkness infinitely surrounds awakening your lost senses unable to see you must hear + listen to those calling you home