1935 - 1956 Stories Of Horror It use to be such a good world we lived in, but now all there is, is wet pavements and chilly winds... Its mostly dark but sometimes light. Every time i go out side i can see and hear people dying and screaming... But no one can help them. This is how it all begun... 1935 - 1956 I woke up and wen't down stairs for a drink and some food. After that i wen't and watched tv. All of a sudden i heard someone walking around up stairs (its just me in the house) i got up and slowly looked up the stairs, but the sounds stopped. It was almost like someone saw or heard me getting up. I was going to run up the stairs but something was telling me not to... It was my conscience. I didn't listen and ran up the stairs as fast as i could, i pushed the bedroom door and looked into the spare room. I felt some sort of chill blowing my hair and going down my neck... I looked around and saw this ancient women with black eyes staring at me. I walked back, but suddenly she pulled me closer to her... I blacked out... Thats all i can remember. 1936. Chapter 2: the darkness I was riding my bike and saw darkness slowly filling up this lit house. Suddenly i saw this figure at the window, so i cycled as fast as i could home. When i got home i told my mates what i saw and they didn't believe me at all... I wanted to show them for myself, so i told them to meet me at 9pm tomorrow night. It was 8:59 and no one has shown up yet, so i called them. They said they are on they're way so i believed them. 10 minutes later i just wen't in the house with just one because he actually showed up at 92. So we wen't in there but didn't last longer then 10mins... Straight away we heard a babies cry and an old mans voice coming from up stairs. We wen't up the stairs and looked in the bed room... No one was there. So we looked somewhere else, such as the loft. I wen't up There first because i wanted to check it out for myself first, but i looked down at my mate and saw this ancient women with red eyes suddenly grab him and pulled him away. I thought i would be safe up here... But i thought wrong... I turned round and saw a baby right by the window and an old man by it. The old man turned round and... That was it... Neck slit and head fell off... 1937 - 1938.
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