Its A New Start Finally october is here, and i cant wait for it to be over. Not because i dont like october, its a beautiful month, with all the heartwarming colours all around. Its because i can start being the real me, the true man i want to be instead of pretending to be this woman, who makes everyone else happy. Hi, i'm beth well soon to be ben. I'm transgender and most people don't believe me, but that's my own fault. I have been hinding behind a mask that was so human proof that i almost believed it myself. Then one day I hit rock bottom, i saw no way in the darkness. I thought I couldn't do it, that everyone would shut me out or turned their backs on me. But one person did believe me. Someone who stood by me. My alex, my light in the darkness. The one who loves me for that man i want to be, and with him by my side there is only light in my #life.
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