Tragic I have today discovered that there are still people in the world who think being a "nerd" is a bad thing. Having spent several years fighting homophobia, to learn that we are still so far from accepting that different people like different genres of fictional entertainment boggles the mind. How are we ever to tackle real prejudice when people still think it is acceptable to engage in schoolyard bullying about something so trivial? On this very app, no less, where I would have thought this kind of thing doesn't exist. Very sad.
Irritation Why do so many people write about spiritual nonsense and get congratulated for it as though they have done something admirable? Advertising a willingness to believe anything is nothing to be celebrated. Following from this, I simply cannot stop myself challenging those who say and write wicked and stupid things because of their religious faith. Let's all stop giving this idiocy the time of day, eh?
Cataract / Stevo Owens
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