Back Alley Queens There where two Queens; one spade, one club, Who did everything together. They drank half pints at the local pub And bitched about the weather. They didn't think much for the rest of the pack, Who were dotted 'round the places Except the special ones named Jack Who all have double faces. One half of Jack was keen on Queen of clubs he did pursue. The other fancied Queen of spades, 'twas her he tried to woo. Now you can but imagine the pickle Jack was in. Split between his ups and downs Was wearing him quite thin. So one day he decided to act upon a feeling. He ironed out his corners getting rid of tatty peeling. He slid towards the nearest deck, that housed the Queens of old. Shuffled his way round the back, Hoping he wouldn't fold. He told them of his angst, And they listened eagerly. But they didn't care for Jack of hearts, only the other three. The Queens, they did not hate the two red boys whose names were Jack. But they'd had one, and both agreed the best lovers are black.
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