Layni Blay My name is Layni Blay. I know it's not my real name so don't mock. Obviously my mother would have picked a beautiful name for me. I shall picture her: My little Rose? Bluebell? Sancy? My hair is my best feature, as black as the night sky. Maybe she called my Raven? Sky? Sometimes I wish that my hair wasn't black. An infants hair as black as coal, meaning fire. So says Matron Fimpy, as she pulls my hair super hard. One time a cheeked her wondrously , calling her Matron Fat Fimpy, she pulled me so fiercely a whole hank of my hair disappeared from my head into Matrons hand. It took 1 whole year for my hair to grow back, but it was worth it because from that day onwards we all referred to her as Matron Fat Fimpy - though not out loud. No other girl is as bold as me. I have a nature as fiery as my wretched hair.
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