It's raining today as it was raining yesterday and it might rain tomorrow but eventually there will be sunshine, that is law of nature and it implies to our fate and destiny and karma and whatsoever that drives you. Look out for the sunshine, it's right there step forward and feel the warmth the happiness welcome it and open your arms to hug it, because it is ready for you!
Leaving the birthplace for another city. Now knowing the 10 th day has passed too should I review or just wait for more time to pass. When my grand dad was 80 he told me he doesn't know how he reached 80. He wanted to say that he was astonished and surprised how time flies and therefore certain miseries of #life will pass and we should be strong. Also, that we should not waste time. Today I read we would be spending on an average 4000 hours just showering and that will be more than time spend on reading. I am shocked too. So, let's review the work done and read the to do list. I plan to make things more organised, are you game for it?