Hot For Teacher Prologue: I saw him for the first time today. It all happened in choir class. He was teaching us for the job interview. We knew it'd be a guy, but no one thought he'd look like he did. He knocked on the door, an assertive, but sweet kind of knock. When he opened the door he stuck his head in first, in the most adorable way. Once he walked in everyone's heart fluttered. All the girls in my class fell for him. But certainly not in the way that I did. Chapter 1: I can't believe summer went by so fast. It's all just a blur. School starts today, I can't decide if I i'm excited or not for school. I want to see my friends of course, but I don't want to start over with a whole new group of teachers. All of my classes have been successful so far. Besides looking like a foul trying to find my class rooms that is. My schedule reads that I have choir next. The only thought through my head right now is 'great, another year of choir.' See last year my teacher was just awful. If today doesn't go well I'm just going to drop it. Here I am, walking down the same music wing, taking the same turn to the choir room. I walk into the room and it hits me, we have a new teacher this year. I faintly remember him from last year but like everything before the summer, it's just a blur. Well, I hope she's nice I half heartily think. Chapter 2:
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