It's A Magical Christmas Surprise
One day there lived a boy and girl who were twins the girl was called poppy and the boy was called jack. They lived with there mum Amy and there dad Dave. It was nearly Christmas and Sheffield was filled with lights trees and lots of beautiful decorations. Jack and poppy were getting really excited and couldn't wait. So they decided to write a Christmas list there lists were very long but they both wanted something more than anything. Poppy wanted a black and white bunny rabbit and jack wanted an xbox 360.when they had finished they sent it to the North Pole for Santa to see. On Christmas Eve poppy and jack went to there nannies house for a Christmas party and for carol singing. They had so much fun. They were stuffed at the end of it when the got back home they put reindeer food out and milk for Santa. Then at 8 o'clock poppy and jack went to bed waiting for Santa to come. The next morning it was Christmas yipeeeeee! Poppy and jack had two sacks full of present each. They got every thing they wanted on there ginormous lists.every thing but what they wanted the most.poppy had no bunny rabbit and jack had no xbox.they felt very upset but suddenly Amy and Dave said what was in your stockings. Our sockings shouted poppy and jack as they ran to there stockings. They got there stockings of the wall but they couldn't see anything in them. Poppy put her hand in to double check but then she felt something tiny she lifted it out and the both had a tiny weeny little box it was the size of everyone's big toe. Poppy and jack just
couldn't work out what it was. They opened it but there was nothing in it. They put the boxes back in and poppy said she wished she had a black and white bunny rabbit and jack said he had really wanted a xbox 360.suddenly the stockings start to get bigger and bigger and they both look inside in Poppy's the was a black and white bunny and in jacks there was a xbox360. Poppy and jack showed Amy and Dave there presents and told them about the boxes. They all had a very merry little Christmas. The end. Merry x mas
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