Past Love Chapter 1 Run and don't stop. That was in my mind the whole time. Ba-doom, Ba-doom. My heart beat sped up as I ran around corners and kept going as fast as my feet would let me. My head is pounding. Why does it hurt so much? I put my hand to my head and felt something wet. Seeping through the window was some light from the moon. With that, I looked at my hand and gasp. Blood.. And lots of it. "Stop!" I heard behind me. With the little light of the#moonthat came through the ceiling, I saw that a door was coming up ahead and made a mad dash for it. I pushed the door open and kept on running. As I was running, I wondered how long had I been in there? I didn't know who was trying to get me but I didn't want to stop to find out. I could hear him coming - wait, I listened harder. It was more than one who was chasing after me. Jumping over stumps and running around trees, I ran for my #life. Finally, I did not hear anything. I slowed my pace down but I didn't stop. My eyes have gotten used to the darkness. At that moment I saw a road coming into view. As I was running to the road, a figure came out from behind a tree. I stopped moving. He made the first move. As he started to move towards me, I backed up. "No", I whispered. I kept backing up until I felt my back up against the tree. He reached his hand out to me and I screamed. His hand gripped around my wrist and pulled me with him. My mind went blanked. Where is he taking me? I was about to ask when suddenly his phone rang."Hello?" There was a sudden pause. "Yes, your Majesty, I have her." His Majesty? Just who is this guy? " We will be there shortly." After that, he hung up. I tried to pull away but his grip just tighten. I mustered up my courage and asked," Who are you? Where are you taking me? Why are you doing this to me?" So many questions came flying out before I had a second chance to even think about it. "Keep quiet." That was all he said to me. Suddenly it hit me. This man could kill me at any time. I have no idea what he is capable of. I decided to just keep my mouth closed. After 5 or 10 minutes, we finally reached the road. A car was already there. The guy opened it and looked at me. " What-" he put his finger to my lips. " I know you are very confused right now Rose but I promise you that I will tell you everything when we meet again." I gave him a surprised look. " How do you-" Again, he cuts me off, this time with his lips. My eyes got big at this sudden movement. "I love you so much. I will come to meet you soon. I need to hurry. I can feel those guys getting closer." He stole my lips one more time and gave me a tight hug. Then he pushed me in the car and slammed the door. When the car started , I turned around to look out the window. At that moment he was cornered by the guys that was chasing me. I don't know why but something inside of me broke and tears started to fall. "NOOOOOOOO!" My eyes flew opened with a start. I sat up and felt my face. This same dream. I been having it for a while now. When it comes, I always wake up crying, sweating and my breathing gets ragged every time. I've lost my memory about three years ago so I don't know why I keep having this night mare. I can not remember anything. Every time I try to remember something about the dream or what happened three years ago, my head starts pounding real bad. The doctors have given up on trying to help me get my memory back. Mom and dad won't tell me anything either. There was was light knock on the door. "Yes?" I called out as I wiped my face. The door opened slightly and Jesse poked his head through. "Uh, Princess Rose, I mean Miss Rose, it's time to get up." I giggled softly at him. He never knows what to call me. He's the new butler dad just hired. He is my personal butler also. Did I mention how gorgeous he is? He so young, I think 22. "Ah yes, you may enter." When he heard me , he came in. When he saw me, his smile dropped. He ran to my bed side . "Miss Rose! Are you okay , what happened?" He had a worried look on his face. "It is nothing, Jesse. I just had the same dream again. Don't worry." I think I just made him worry more but he didn't push it. "What did you come here for?" I asked him. " Oh! " He got up and smiled. "Congratulations!" He bowed deeply. "You have come of the age of 19. Your parents are waiting for you down in the main room. " I smiled slightly. "Thank you. You may leave." I told him. "Then Milady." He bowed again and left. I groaned and fell back on my bed. Today is my 19 birthday. That is the age of when a princess is getting prepped for marriage and being the perfect wife. I don't know if there are different activities besides that. This is gonna be a very long day. I sighed. I can't wait to see how this play out.
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