Stupid Girls Jane- hey girleys Julie- hey Jane Rebby- hey let's do something I'm realy bored Julie - I know let's go swiming Jane / Errh NO ! We are going shopping , my treat Julie/Rebby-Yeaaaah .. Rebby- hey Jane I think this top would fit u it's only $5 dollars!! Omg ? Jane- I love it shell we have one each , I'll buy . Then we buy some chinos , Julie - omg great idea ! Thanks Jane? Rebby - ill buy mc Donald's for lunch All- yuumm Julie - and I'll buy us a milkshake from shake shed Yaaaah-all Jane- lets go jack wills , I wanna buy a bag Julie /Rebby-errgggg Jane - don't work ill buy you 2 one aswell Julie/Rebby - Yeaaaah thanks Janey Jane-don't call my Janey lol .. All- ok lol Rebby- mc Donald's please 2 cheese burger 1 chicken nugget meal , 3 chips Check out - that's £9! Please All- wow that's so cheap thanks , and he gave us extra chips Jane/julie- thanks reb Reb-that's ok girls
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