Dream Days Don't you remember when you had your first dream as a child. Happy? Sad? Scared? Excited? So many feelings that you experienced which you never felt before. Well, this dream will have every feeling that you ever felt. Welcome to the Dream Days.... Chapter 1 As a small child I never thought of having dreams and nightmares because nobody told me about them but that night will always be with me. Forever. And ever. I remember once when my older brother told my parents and myself about this dream he had about earthquakes and happy endings but mashed up into one. I didn't understand it at first but as i got older I used to ask my brother to tell me it to get an understanding. Never did. Even from this day. Never have. That night happened so slowly and felt that I was stuck in the dream, never going to wake again. Wondering what the dream was? Let me tell you but I do warn you, you might get a huge packaging of feelings. Ready?
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