There are days I find it really difficult to be a mom. My son wasn't horrible, but I started thinking about my #life before him. I miss the friends I had before, I feel like I abandoned them. Many were younger than me, not married and no kids. We would spend the days out on the farm while my husband, who worked nights, slept at home. We drank, rode horses all day, talked about whatever. I sold my horse when my son came, I had to, I had no time and the time I did have I either cleaned or slept. It wasn't fair to keep him when I couldn't ride him or spend time with him. Now what do I do with my old #life? Sell it like my horse? I miss who I used to be, but I would never give up what I have now. I hope my friends can be patient with me, and I hope I can work harder to fit them into my new #life. I love my family and friends, there just isn't enough hours in a day, and I'm in bed by 10, so a night #life is not optional. I need to work harder at my relationships, and I'm looking forward to it. Relationships aren't easy, but that's what makes you grow as a person.
The start of a new generation doesn't start with a certificate saying you are generation x, y, or z. It's subtle. It's gradual, and even though you may know who is apart of generation, you don't know what it is made of. Every generation has tragedies, war, hate, but there is also love, hope, peace, and #life. It may seem to us the world is worse than what it was, But there are more people in this world and as a result more trouble. But what we are facing is proportionate to the amount of souls this world hosts. Our grandparents went through WWII, food shortages, the holocaust, but they also experienced love to create our parents, they saw America become a superpower, and they had faith. Our parents have gone through Vietnam, destruction of countries, the cold war, market crashes, recessions, race wars, but they also had love to create us, they saw the birth of the Internet, cell phones, peace with Russia, and racial equality. We have 9/11, war, school shootings, and recession, but we, like all the other generations, have love. I watch my child sleeping and I have love, and hope. We were raised with the Internet, we created better cars, we were raised with equal rights for races and sexes, we have seen true horrors, but so have the other generations. Am I afraid for my son? Of course, but I will do my best to prepare him for his #life, his generation, and what awaits them, but I will also love him, and pray for him and know that he will be alright. I hope he will spread the joy, and love the people before him have, and I hope he can find a silver lining no matter what happens.