Lucy Lewis Hiya! I'm Lucy and I like acting. I have one sister and three brothers. Altogether that's four. My two brothers, Brad and Freddie, don't live with me. When my mum moved to Bangladesh, she took her favourites and left me, my brother Harrison and my sister Eve. I've met Brad and Freddie but they probably don't remember me. I'm mothering Harrison and Eve. I had to pay for their school. I'm only joking. They started school before my mum left, so, she payed it. I don't know my dad, he was horrible so my mum said we can't meet him. I'm ten. Harrison is five and Eve is four. I'm gonna tell you about the time when I was kidnapped... Well, I went out to Sainsbury's one day and Harrison and Eve stayed home. I was coming out and there was a strange looking blanket on the floor. It looked like there was someone or something underneath it. I pulled the blanket off, and I was gone. Nowhere to be seen. Harrison and Eve were freaking out because I had been gone such a long time. They walked all the way from our house to Sainsbury's and they found a car with duck tape covering the number plate. However, Harrison had an idea. He told Eve to run back home and... No. It didn't work. They were found and taken into care. The care home was Elmtree House. Whatever happened, Harrison and Eve were gonna stick together. A few years past and Lucy escaped! She was walking back to the house and was found and taken into the same care home as Elmtree House! It was too many years so they didn't recognise each other or know each other. They started to all get to know each other and found out they all had the same last names! That night, when everyone was asleep, Lucy turned on the computer, and went onto the website: Ancestry. It's a website where you can know who's in your family. Basically, a family tree. She looked through and found on number 3 Harrison Lewis. Number 4 Eve Lewis. Number 5 Brad Lewis. Number 6 Freddie Lewis. I'm not gonna bother about my mums name, or maybe I will. My mums name is Chantelle. Chantelle Cole. My mum and dad aren't married. They never were. We're called Lewis but she's called Cole. She always says that me, Harrison and Eve were big mistakes. She loves Brad and Freddie. I wish I could meet my dad. See what he's really like,you know? Well, that's my whole story. See ya later.
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