Death Chapter 1: It was a cold winters night and I was on my way home from the store. Buying all the food and drink for tomorrow's party. I have no clue why it took me so long but here I am at 10 walking on the icy roads in Middle England, mid winter. I admit I slipped a few times on the icy puddles but no one was around so it was fine. Wait a minute. No one is around. No cars have gone past, no annoying children on bikes, no lights were on in people's houses. It seemed as if time had frozen. I kept walking until I reached my house and despite me leaving the lights on when I left they were off too. I checked my sons room to see if he was still awake and looked around for my husband but, no sign of them. I started to consider whether this was a dream if it was really happening. I searched the whole house, I even got the ladder and climbed up into the attic but still no sign of #life. Maybe time had frozen and froze #life too. I heard children laughing. I immediately ran upstairs to see my sons room filled with covered sheets over what looked like bodies. I went over to them and began to smell something so horrific it made me gag. I smelt rotting flesh. I grabbed ahold of the sheet and lifted it up slightly to see the feet. A little higher and I revealed rotting flesh up to the knee. I ripped the rest of quickly like a bandaid and what I saw chilled me so deep to the bone. I didn't see the average ghost or witch. No. What I saw was myself rotting. Like I had died. Is this what death is. Am I dead? I began asking myself all these questions and trying to answer them but I just didn't have an explanation. I took off all the other sheets to reveal my family but they weren't rotting like me. I couldn't figure it out I was so confused. I must've been sat there for about an hour until something... Someone... Came up behind me and grabbed my shoulder. I screamed and screamed but nothing came out of me. I was voiceless. My voice was dead. I was dead. Then it dug it's nails into my shoulders so deep a drop of blood escaped from my ice cold body but, I didn't feel any pain. That's when I turned around to see what it was and I recognised the face... Chapter 2: The person I saw behind me, I didn't know and I hadn't ever spoken to them but I knew I'd seen them somewhere before. I didn't know where but I know something bad had happened between us, something that was the reason why I was here and I was determined to find out. "H-hello" I shook as I spoke, terrified of the dark figure. "Hello Rose." It's voice was deep and it shocked right through me. It was kind of demonised and evil sounding and it made me more afraid of how I knew the person. They knew my name. "Who are you?" I asked. "I'm sorry." It cried. I began hearing the children's laughter again and the demonised voice turned into a cry. A women's cry. Then a scream. I started screaming and crying. "Calm down." "please calm down." I couldn't hold myself together I was losing it I covered my eyes so all I could see was pure darkness. I shivered as the scream continued to fill my ears. "what have you done to me?" I screamed. I didn't mean to say it. I didn't even think before I spoke. I knew I shouldn't of said It but when I said it the crying stopped and she began laughing. Was she laughing at me? I began to take my hands away from my eyes and she was facing the wall laughing at me. I couldn't take it. I screamed at the top of my lungs hoping that she would stop that she would just shut up for a minute. She slowly turned her face to look at me, a sharp crack sound in her neck made me shiver even more. She laughed for a minute until she saw the anger on my face. Her face dropped. "What? Aren't we having a laugh here?" She tilted her neck. "Or don't you wanna play anymore? Am I scaring you dear? Don't be scared. I wasn't apologising to you, I was apologising to them." She took out her arm from the ripped black dress she wore on her pale white skin and pointed with her finger half skin half bone to the space behind me. I slowly turned around, my heart beating hard against my chest. A thousand chills soaring through my body like tiny daggers. Once I had turned I saw 3 children hanging behind me. The first child lifted her head and opened her eyes. "Ring a ring a roses a pocket full of explosives, a tissue a tissue we all fall down." She sang as her body began to fall into tiny pieces slipping onto the ground one by one as if shed been chopped up or been involved in some kind of bombing accident. Was that it?! Was she hinting to me how she died?! The second child lifted his head and opened his eyes. "Humpty dumpty sat on a wall, Humpty Dumpty was pushed to his fall, and all worlds girls and all the worlds men, couldn't put Humpty together again." He sang as half his body fell to the floor. Then the third lifted her head. Her eyes opened but they blackened over and blood dripped from her mouth. Drip... Drip.. " I could sing a rhyme to you but I don't think you'd quite get it so here's some advice don't ask questions or you'll live to regret it I asked my dad a question one day he didn't answer so I went to see what mummy would say but when I slept and finished my drink of squash I never woke up and my #life was lost." The children disappeared before my very eyes. As if they were never there but it all felt so real. I turned back to feel the women's breath directly on my face. She was so close to me I couldn't move. "Did... Did you d-do this?" I asked. Almost regretting speaking straight after I said it. She stared into my eyes and I saw I sign of emotion and sadness in her eyes. One that made me feel emotion myself. I felt her pain and heartache and it was unbearable but then her eyes blackened over and she burst into laughter. "Don't you dare." She yelled. And shot backwards laughing at me again. At the end of the hall her face turned serious and she glared at me. I screamed as she rushed towards me. I slammed the door and pushed a wardrobe in front of. I saw and heard the handle go for a while but then it stopped. I knew I couldn't just stay in here I had to figure out what happened to her and more importantly what happened to me... My voice was dead. I was probably dead and then it dug it's nails deep inside my skin imbedded them into my shoulder a drop of blood escaped but I felt no pain. I turned around and recognised the face.