#lifeless Change I stare intently at the #lifeless figure before me, conquering over the sorrow that seems to overwhelm my sudden fears. Cherishing the remains of our departure, the foulness that acts to take place. Realizing the further pain that I shall surly encounter. Leaning towards this swollen outline, as I press against the protection of the visible figure. Releasing a fading tear onto my tattered sleeves. Struggling to capture the lonesome sound of a hollow heart, finding but the regret of my very own. Suddenly seeking through the decaying forest, the protection that I rarely receive. For I come to drown in my individual defeat, concerned for the passing of my only guardian, my future reward. But find myself knowledgable of the casual occurrence and the consequences that come to very on their pleasure. Foreshadowing the past and the temptation it truly receives. Forcing my unknown thoughts to lean towards the present event. Reminding me of my unfortunate doubts and the path I may lead. Speechless and passionate for these terrifying truths. Reminded of my endless fears, participating in the tempt to lead toward a different escape, another way out. Finding but the hopelessness that plans to direct me forward. But caring only for the vibration of my unbearable strength, sustaining the emptiness of the human soul. As I can only find myself's ability to contain two predictable words. "I love you" I mention slightly, tensing at the unexpected motion of a fearless shoulder. Barely thoughtless of the vision of a limited father suddenly vanish beneath me. Unexpected silence surrounding the passion of the antique forest. Understanding the value if an individual soul, as i lean against a reliable tree. Overcoming the past that now leads me to my careless future as it is willing to await my unexpected patience.
Sarah J
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