Story Of Hell There was a man who killed people and steal one night he died in the middle of the night all the people cried for house because the man steal people's money and gold one night a little girl was going to sleep and the girls mom saw blood in the bed it was her daughter she yelled and call the police and the police came ..... This is part 1 bye<3
My First True Love [>>] One day I went to school this boy stared At me I said:he kinda cute I whispered he came and said:Wats up with a smile good he saidk so I heard your new I said:yeh so then he went to his locker and gave me he's phone number he said:what you name my name Jordan I said my name was heart after he left so went to class and when the teacher wasn't looking this girl slapped me and called me a bitch I just wasn't try not to cry I said:STOP she said:whatever dumb ass then I went to the hall and cried them Jordan came and said:what's the matter girl He said:some girl slapped me and called me a bitch and dumb ass then He said:come here I did and he kiss me for a long time then he said :come to my house I saidk then the bully said :how can that happen UGH ill get you for this I said :your such bitch then the bully said:what you say??i said:nothing bully said ok then UGH!! This Is part 1 bye
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