Dreams Part 1 I left the bar, the smell of alcohol and cigarets still lingered in the air.I walked across the grim streets of London on the way back to my flat so I could call it a night. I was oblivious to the world as I slowly staggered on. The car raced on ahead through the murky streets of London when it hit me. There was no pain. It felt like I was falling into a never ending dark abyss. As I hit the floor I awoke. My emotionless eyes scanned the futeristic room. I was alone. Then a toxicating yellow smoke filled the room swallowing up the walls. The fumes made me feel dizzy until I blacked out. What if the #life you lived was a dream and your dreams are a reality. Those same words pounded in my head as I saw my self walk through London. The car hit me making me crumble to a heap in the floor. I once again awoke panting and soaked in sweat. A crooked shifty man approached me hiding his eyes beneath his dark shades. Ah we've been expecting you Mr Cooper. No emotion showed in his face or voice. Welcome to reality. What do you mean? The man said the same words in my dream. What if reality was a dream and dreams were a reality. TO BE CONTINUED IF YOU LIKE IT!
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