Living With A Dysfunctional Family. "BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP" ugh it's another horrible school day and to make it worse, it's Monday and its a block day so I have 2 hours of math and Spanish. Oh no my 2 little brothers are up. I hear them coming. "GET UP ITS TIME FOR SCHOOL!!!" "I know!! Now GET OUT OF MY ROOM!!" Sorry 'bout that. that was my little brother jake he's the worst. As I walk out the door my other little brother, David runs strait into me. "What's the rush dork" I say as pick him back up on his feet. "Jake... He's after me. Gotta go!!" He says as he sprints down the hall. "Come back you nerd!!" Jake says as he runs down the hall Oh ya one more thing David is a really smart kid who's always studying and reading, so he's basically a nerd. A second grade nerd. And then jake he's a stupid skater dude who always picks on David. As hard as it is to say this, I feel bad for David. My brothers are twins shouldn't they get along?? As I walk into the kitchen I see Jake trying to shut David into the fridge. "Hey!! Stop fighting!" I say as I pull Jake away from the fridge and he falls to ground. "Are you okay David?" I say as I pull him out of the fridge "Ya I'm fine just a little cold." He says as he runs to get his backpack. "Stop being mean to David. Jake he's your brother and I'm tired of saving his butt every five minuets." "Fine!!" Jake sticks his tongue out at me. See what I have to live with? As I'm walking my brothers to their bus stop these 2 guys who go to my school walk up to me. These are the guys who make fun of me for being shy. I say very quietly " hi Enzo." "Hi dork. Oh guess what, I'm dating your sister." At this moment I tell my brothers they can walk to the bus stop by themselves. They don't leave. Enzo walks closer slaps the books I'm carrying out of my hands. "Oops" he says walking away and shoving Jake and David out of the way. David manages to stay on his feet but jake trips over my books, and falls into a tree. I run to Jake and help him up. "Jake are you okay!?!?" Jake sniffles "I don't know. I fell on my wrist." "Now you know how I feel when you push me around." David says "Hey shut up Jakes hurt." I say as I examine jakes wrist "Owww Seth that's hurts!!" Jake says yanking his arm away from me. "Let's go to school the nurse will help you" So it turns out my Enzo broke Jakes wrist. We are telling my mom that he broke it while skateboarding. As I walk into the door Jake is telling my sister Cassidy his fake story of how he "fell on his skateboard" "CASSIDY!!!!" I say storming inside. "What?" She says "How come Enzo told me he was dating you!?!?" I say getting closer to Cassidy. "Because I am. Duh." "Do you know what he does to me everyday!? He's gonna kill me when he comes over here!" "I won't let him." She says not so promising. "... I hate you..." I say quietly but loud enough for Cassidy to hear. "Whatever. He's coming over tomorrow it's your problem not mine." She says walking into her room. Ugh I hate my #life. So Enzo came over today. He gave me a swirly in my own house! Then my mom made me go on a walk with them, I accidentally flat tired Enzo. So he threw me to the ground and pinned my arm behind my back. Eventually my sister told him to stop. And surprisingly he did. Jake had his friends over today so I took David to the park. When I got back Enzo was just about to give jake a swirly. I tackled Enzo to stop him and he punched me a couple of times before he heard cassidy tell tellimg him to stop. If Enzo found out about this journal I write in he would make so much fun of me, so I'm hiding it till Enzo and Cassidy break up. Trust me it won't be long. It's been a month since I've written In this journal. Cassidy broke up with Enzo because he was beating up our little brothers. That's right not because he pounds on me everyday. I'm just glad they broke up. Jakes wrist healed. My mom never even noticed it was broken. I'm thinking about ditching school today so I can go somewhere to get some alone time. I walked my brothers to their bus stop and went to the park. When I returned home both my brothers were at friends houses. I noticed Enzo's bike in the driveway. When I walk in to the house I can hear two people talking but I can't understand it. I walk closer. It's coming from Cassidy's room. I can hear Enzo talking. "C'mon baby just let me feel them" "Enzo let go of me!" I can her Cassidy struggling to get out if Enzo's grip. I crack the door open just enough so that that can't see me. Enzo grabs Cassidy and pins her down on the bed. He starts grabbing her breasts. "Oh baby those are nice." Enzo starts slowly taking Cassidy's shirt of and licking her stomach. He pins her against the wall again and humps her. As he starts to unbutton her pants I run in and tackle Enzo. I pin him to the ground and punch him in the face and the gut. "STAY AWA FROM MY SISTER!!" I manage to drag Enzo out by his shirt push him out the door and slam it. As I walk back Into Cassidy's room she's sitting against the wall with her knees up to her chest. She's crying. I go and sit next to her. I wrap my arm around her and pull her closer. She cry's on my shoulder. I hug her for a good long minuet. "Cassy? Are you ok?" I say softly. "No. He saw my boobs Seth, he almost raped me." She says burying her face in my chest. "What exactly happened in there?" "Well when I got home from school he was in my bedroom. When I walked in he grabbed me threw me to the ground and pinned me down. And said now listen up Cassidy I'm gonna do whatever I want to do to you if you struggle you will regret it. And so I lay there. Enzo decided to start off slow. He started making out with me. I wasn't doing it back. He stood yanked me up and slapped me and yelled I SAID COOPERATE! Then he pinned me to the wall and started making out with me again, I did it back. He had lots of tongue and when I didn't use enough tongue he pushed me, against the wall really hard." She says and she starts crying. "Is that all?" I say while Hugging her. "And then he took off his shirt. I tried to make a run for it but he grabbed my arm and pushed me on the bed. He sat on my stomach and grabbed my hand. Then he made me rub up and down in his crotch area. And then he started humping me. He did it for 15 minuets. After he was done he took my shirt off. He started licking me. He started at the waist of my pants and then went up to my breast and fooled with them the he started just licking them he even took my bra off. I decided I had enough. I pushed him off of me and put my shirt on. He pinned me to the wall again. And asked if he could feel if he could feel my breast again." I cut her off "I saw the rest of it. Cassy I'm really sorry that happened." "Should I tell mom?" She says. "Ha ya right she wouldn't care. I think you should tell Enzo's parents." "No way" "Do it or I will." "Fine" she says walking into the kitchen. Today Cassidy telling Enzo's parent about what happened. And I found out that Enzo recorded the whole thing. Gross right? When Cassidy told his parents they didn't believe her. And so she showed them the video. And her black eye he gave her. They apologized and had Enzo come down and apologize. When they had to go Enzo jumped on me and started beating on me. He,tied me to a tree and told my sister that if she untied me he'd go to our house again and he would actually have sex with her. So I just told Cassidy to leave. Enzo invited his friends over to help him decide what to do with me. They decided just to beat me up. They kept me tied up. Enzo punched me in the stomach and the face. His friend kicked me in the crotch. I got at least 12 blows before they untied me. When they did I fell to the ground. Enzo grabbed my hair and pulled me up. "Hmm you face is a little bit bloody.... I can wash that for you." Enzo said pulling me into his house. Enzo pushed me into the bathroom and gave me 7 swirly's. then they took my shirt and pants. Enzo dragged me to the front door and pushed me out. I fell Down his front stair and staggered home in my boxers. My house is 2 miles from Enzo's house. When I got home my brothers and my sister were there already. Cassidy took care of me and got me healed enough to walk around. I watched power rangers all day with my brothers. We all fell asleep on the couch together. My family may be dysfunctional but I love it. We have our moments but who doesn't. I love my family.
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