WHO KNOWS? CHAPTER 1 No one really knows why or what #life will come too. I sometimes think, wonder what will happen in twenty years from now, but all I can think of is that one day I could be living in a strange world. But who really knows what will happen in twenty years from know. I bet even god doesn't. My name is Stacey I am 14 and I am writing down my #life. I don't understand much I just go with the flow of #life. I am normal, I go to school, I have friends and I love stuff like my mac laptop my iPhone. But one day it changed.. I no longer felt normal I no longer felt cool or fine, I felt different, confused and sometimes upset. It all started when I went to school on a Thursday 15th October at the normal time 9 o'clock. I walked with my friend Cudney all the way down long east road, took a left then stopped I turned around ran and took the shortcut to meat my boyfriend. Cydney followed me and jumped in front of me. We talked laughed and then I saw my friend Nathan and my boyfriend Callum. We walked the rest of the way to school until I heard a scream. And it wasn't just me my friends heard it too, so we ran to school and kept quiet about it for then.it was mostly a normal day. English with mr Miller, maths with Ms Robbens and science, geography and art. So the day ended, we walked home but the long way and we look ed at the short cut for a bit as we passed it then Callum went down the road to go home. Then I got a text from him, he asked to meet me by the shortcut with Cydney and Nathan. So I called them and then i ran there and met him.i got changed in the local Tescos toilets and me and Callum talked before the other guys got there. I brought my computer and phone just invade we needed them. So we got to the shortcut and walked until a dead end was apparent strangely. We investigated were we could go apart from right as that was the way to our school and it was just a straight, one way road. We turned left and then we herd a voice. It was strange, the voice sounded quiet, as if it was scared or lost. We walked until we saw the corner of long hill avenue. we took a left until we saw a deserted house, garage and slightly disfigured van. Do u think I should finish it like and comment if u do! Thanks it's my first proper story that hasn't been for school or something!!!!
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