Hey guyz my name is Hannah and I'm a girl who loves her life, peace and everything else that's awesome. Ive got tanned light skin and im blonde and i highlight my hair crazy colours (its green right now!) ive also got blue eyes and i suppose im quite tall. Random boys tend to flirt with me but i dont care if I'm not pretty. I'm from the Hamptons (in Long island new York) and Las Vegas. I'm a relaxed teenager!! No hurry to work!!! I also love singing!!! I'm ok at writing I guess but I like reading blogs and stuff!!! Hopefully u like the stuff I write!! I'm 17! :D. I love Justin Bieber, One Direction, Katy Perry, Taylor Swift....... I could go on 4 ages but let's say I <3 nearly all pop singers :) oh yeah and of course my beloved Aiden (my boyfriend) yaaa I love watching movies with my bff's and having sleepovers and makeovers!!!! I live in America but I've moved 2 the UK with Aiden 4 a year b4 uni. I love my phone my laptop my android tablet my boyfriend my sex my friends my family my kitten my pool my house my room my ipod my sleepovers my movies my bed my beauty sleep my America my food my makeup my jewellery my guitar my music my headphones my burgers my milkshakes my opuss and............................. ME!!!!!!! Ya so I follow back!!:) of course :P <3 lusm opuss!!!!!!<3 x :D
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