As Sarah's Collins stood there looking down at deputy Roger Gillberts #lifeless body she struggled to remember what had happened. Around her a mess of broken wine glasses,tipped over bottles of wine and the broken table that use to hold them. The fire was still burning keeping the cabin warm Sarah felt disorientated as if she had just woken from a deep sleep. The blood on her hands and dress confused her even more Sarah fled the cabin and speed off into the night. Margery Hamond was a hard faced middle aged woman,she had lived in the small town of lake view her whole #life. She owned the diner that her and her husband Michael ran before he passed away 9years ago. They never had any children so now it was just her. Every morning Margery would open the diner at 5:30 am on the dot and sherif Walter Gregory was always there waiting for he's morning pancakes and coffee. Good morning marg Walter sat on a stool at the counter. Oh hey there Walter,she placed a mug in front of him and began to pour the coffee. Going with the pancakes she said with a smile on her face. Indeed I am can't start my day with out. Walter began to sip he's coffee when the voice on he's radio began, Walter come in we have a 1041 up at Rogers cabin, Walter I'm sorry it's roger the woman's voice continued. Oh Walt I'm so sorry Margery patted him on the back. Walter put on he's hat and headed for Rogers cabin. When he finally reached the cabin, Susan Gillbert rushed over to the car threw her arms around Walter sobbing who could do this who could do this to my boy she looked up at Walter you find him Walter you find who did this to your nephew. Susan was a very timid woman not like her brother she was only 5ft and very under weight she had constant dark circles under eyes and was always wrapped in a brown cardigan that was at least three sizes to big for her. her.